
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Section B(1a—1e)课件(共23张PPT)2023-2024学年人教版九年级英语全册

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:29次 大小:24398232Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section B (1a—1e) Learning objectives 1.学习本课新词汇:international, competitor, find out, on a vacation, many different kinds of, fly a kite 掌握句型:The international kite festival is held in April every year. The competitors at the festival are from all over the world. Some of the kites were made of silk or paper. Some were painted with colorful drawings. 2.通过观看视频和图片,能够说出潍坊国际风筝节的时间和现状,能够用被动语态说出图片的名称和和制作材料,描述风筝。 3.通过听力训练,能够准确概括听力材料的大意;根据关键词正确匹配 ;通过听取细节精确填写单词;通过听力训练,了解潍坊国际风筝节的有关信息。 4.通过两两对话和小组活动,用被动语态谈论国际风筝节,谈论风筝的制作,让学生们了解中国传统文化中具有代表性的风筝,引导学生感受中国的风筝文化。 Look at the sky, what are flying What are they called in English What are they doing They are called kites in English. They are flying kites. 1.Do you know what festival it is 2.When is it held 3.What is Weifang known for It’s Weifang International Kite Festival(潍坊国际风筝节). It is held in April every year in Weifang. Weifang is famous for its international(国际的) kite festival. Weifang is called the World’s Capital of Kites. [ nt n n l]adj. 国际的 Learn more about the festival 1.Have you ever heard of this festival 2.There are more than 70% of the world’s kites made in Weifang.世界上70%以上的风筝都是出口自潍坊。 3. Weifang is known as “The kite capital of the world” . 潍坊被各国推崇为“世界风筝之都”。 4.There's an international kite festival in Weifang every April. 每年4月会在潍坊举行国际风筝节。 5. It attracts many competitors to compete.吸引大量的竞争者。 Do you like flying kites There are many kinds of kites. Look, what do they look like a dragon kite a goddess kite a butterfly kite a bird kite a goldfish kite a tiger kite Do you know how to fly a kite What are kites made of Write down some materials used in making kites. 1a _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ bamboo paper string线 cloth scissors(剪刀) plastic (塑料) glue(胶水) line/thread bamboo paper cloth silk wood wood scissors(剪刀) plastic (塑料) glue(胶水) silk Do you know how to fly a kite What’s the weather condition of flying kites The wind must be strong enough. How do kite-flyers run They run opposite the wind. Kite flying is a traditional sports game widely popular among the Chinese people. Kite flying is good for our health and mind. My friend Zheng Yun went to Weifang. What did he probaly do there Laura Zheng Yun He is talking about his experience in Weifang with Laura. Listen and finish the tasks below. Listen for the general idea of 1b. The general idea of the conversation is about _____. A. how to make a kite B. the kite festival C. how to fly a kite B Listen to a conversation between Laura and Zheng Yun and circle the correct answers. 1b Laura Zheng Yun Listen again and write L for Laura or Z for Zheng Yun. 1c Z L Z L L ... ...

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