

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:20次 大小:42695Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(江苏南京)-2023-2024学年七年级英语下学期期末冲刺(牛津译林版) 满分90分。考试时间为90分钟 一、单项填空(共15小题每小题1分满分15分) 1.—Mum, can I have some ice cream —Finish your dinner first, _____ you won’t get any ice cream. A.and B.but C.or D.so 2.—Happy birthday, Anna! Here’s my present for you. —Wow, thank you so much! I’m really _____ that you still remember my birthday. A.sure B.special C.strange D.surprised 3.— _____ does the little elephant weigh — At least five hundred kilos. A.How much B.How heavy C.How many D.What 4.— Excuse me, _____ is it from Purple Mountain to Nanjing Museum — It is about 15 minutes’ ride. A.how far B.how long C.how often D.how much 5.A new bridge _____ the Yangtze River in Nanjing was open to traffic on April 24, 2022. A.through B.over C.on D.along 6.—Can you tell me when you can _____ —I can _____ my home at eight. A.arrive at; reach B.arrive; reach C.reach; arrive D.get to; arrive 7.Lucas ran and ran, but he couldn’t run _____ to catch the bus. A.fast enough B.quick enough C.enough fast D.enough quickly 8.Millie _____ some amazing things about ants last night. A.read B.is reading C.reads D.will read 9.My classmates and I _____ on a school trip to Nanjing Museum the other day. A.go B.went C.will go D.are going 10.By the time he was only eight, Frank _____ speak both English and French. A.could B.must C.can D.may 11.Emily comes to Nanjing to know more about Chinese culture and _____ which school is the best for her to go to. A.put out B.run out C.go out D.find out 12.A bird flew into the kitchen _____ the window. She must be hungry. A.above B.across C.through D.under 13.— Would you please _____ your email address I missed it just now. — No problem. It’s fox@. A.repeat B.review C.report D.remember 14.Which of the following words comes first in the dictionary A.remember B.repeat C.reply D.reach 二、完形填空(共10小题;毎小题1分,满分10分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 I had my schoolbag on my back and a leash(狗绳)in my hand. It was “Bring Your Pet to School” day! When I walked 15 to the bus stop with my dog Jax, the other children in my neighborhood were already there. Josie had a fish 16 with her fish, Lisa. John had his cat, Maxie. We were all 17 to have our pets with us. When we got on the bus, things started to go wrong. It was noisy with so many children and pets! The smell was 18 ! Jax’s nose tried to sniff(闻)all the new smells, and it was hard to get him to 19 me into a seat. When we were seated, another dog rushed up to us. She and Jax started to sniff each other, and started to play. “Fluffy! Get 20 here!” I heard one child shout. The dog ran to the voice. The bus driver said over the speaker, “Please hold on to your pets! It is dangerous to have them 21 all over the bus!” We got to school on time. Off the bus, I found the schoolyard looked like a zoo! There were ... ...

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