
贵州省黔东南州南部六校联盟剑河县第三中学 2023-2024学年九年级下学期第一次联考英语试卷(图片版,无答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:30次 大小:3801196Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Congeong isa robot.representing the city's rich history in water technology.Chenchen isa character who loves the OlympicsHe rep the Olympie spirt.Linlian,th third matmix of two different species:a fish and dragon.She reprents hammony and unity (between different cultures in Asia. Through the matCongoong.Chenchen,and lianlian,we cane the deep meanings and vales that the games pren Theyarn jus for fun,and they als help raise the values of the games,such as friendship.unity.and hardrkBesides,they also help create lasting memories for everyone involved. ( )54.The theme of the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games is A."Friendship,Unity,and Hard Work" B."Hangzhou's Rich History and Culture" C."Green,Smart.Sustainable,and Inclusive" ( )55.In the paragraph2,“They”refer to A.the designers of the mascots B.the colors blue,green,and purple C.the mascots of the 2023 Asian Games ( )56.The masoots are covered with blue,green,and purple to A.represent the Olympic spirit B.represent Hangzhou's rich history C.represent Hangzhou's natural beauty ( )57.The structure of this passage is ①②③ ① ②③ B.④ C.②③④ 第二节阅读短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一个为多余选项。 A. What will travel be like in 2030 Maybe travel will become smarter and easier than ever before. 58 At the airport You won't need to carry a physical passport anymore.Instead,you will use a"heartbeat passport". Because everyone's heartbeat is different.59.Also,it can provide more personal information.What's more,it can make the check-in process faster and more convenient. On the airplane Airplane seats could fit a person's body shape,size and even temperature.60.With a futuristic device(未来设备),you can watch many kinds of movies on the airplane right before your eyes..You might even be able to work or study on the plane. In the hotel 61.It can print almost anything you need,such as clothes or food.Therefore,when you get to the hotel,suitease will not be needed any more.Just print what you need! During the trip The trip will become interesting and colorful.Many kinds of services will be provided during the trip.62For example,if youwant to see what happened in the Ming Dynasty or the first Olympic Games,you can just wear a special headset or glasses. 英语冲刺试卷(一)第6页(共8页)

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