
Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!单元练习课件(7份打包)人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级全册

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:22次 大小:4694428Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 单元重点专练 1. The signs in the museum warn us (not touch) those works of art. 2. Please look up at the (warn) sign. Smoking isn’t allowed here. 3. Emily, don’t feed tigers or lions in the zoo. I . (warn) you many times. 4. 那个警察警告了那名司机不要酒后驾车。(warn … not to …) not to touch  warning  warned/have warned  The policeman warned the driver not to drive after drinking.  warn的用法 treat的用法 1. The hostess took out zongzi as a special (treat) for us. 2. 他现在用善良和温暖对待任何人。 He now everyone and . treat  treats  with  kindness  warmth  3. 我妈妈用一些水果来招待我的朋友们。 My mother gives my friends some fruit . 4. 我一直把他当作朋友,所以每年我都给他邮寄礼物。 I always him a friend, so I mailed gifts to him every year. as  a  treat  treat  as  lie与lay辨析 1. The hen an egg in the hen house on the hill. 2. Jack down on the sofa and soon fell asleep. 3. I find it impossible to to Mary. laid  lay  lie  spend的用法 1. 我们的老师花了很多时间来帮助我们学英语。 Our teacher spent much time us with our English. 2. 学生们花了一整天时间收集垃圾。 Students collecting the rubbish. 3. 他花了不到两天的时间就完成了这项工作。 He spent two days the work. helping  spent  a  whole  day  less  than  finishing  4. 去年暑假我花了很多时间练习英语。 I a lot of time English last summer vacation. 5. It takes him two hours to play sports every day.(用spend改写句子) He two hours sports every day. spent  practicing  spends  playing (课件网) Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 单元话题写作  Section B (3a-3b) 单元写作目标 此单元的话题是“节日”。针对该话题,常考的角度是介绍中国的 传统节日,包括节日名称、时间、庆祝传统节日的方式(活动)、 谈论节日的意义和你的感受及喜欢它的理由等。 素材积累 开头篇 1. I’m glad to introduce …/I would like to introduce … 2. Among all the festivals, … is my favorite. 中间篇 1. The New Year is a time for cleaning and washing away bad things, which means you’ll have good luck in the new year. 2. No matter where they are, people come home to celebrate the festival with their families. 结尾篇 Traditional festivals are part of culture, so I believe it is everyone’s duty to pass them on. ※句子升格 1. The Lantern Festival is on the fifteenth day of the first month of the Chinese lunar year. (用fall on 代替be 动词) The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first month of the Chinese lunar year. 2. We enjoyed ourselves celebrating the Spring Festival.(改为同义句) We had a great/good time celebrating the Spring Festival. 写作训练 请阅读Tony 从美国发来的电子邮件,并根据所给提示和要求,以 李华的名义回复。 Hey Li Hua! How are you doing? Guess what! I’m learning Chinese cooking, and I really enjoy it. I hear you have the Mid-Autumn Festival in China. What’s the date of it? How do you celebrate? Tony 提示 ... ...

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