ID: 20427221

Module 12 Western music Revision 教学设计(表格式) 2023-2024学年外研版七年级英语下册

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:22次 大小:21672B 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 任课教师 Teacher 学 科 Discipline 英语 年级 Grade 七年级 日期 Date 课题 Topic M12 Revision 课型 Subject Exercise 课时 Lesson Period 1 Instruction 阶段1-预期结果 Step1 - expected result 教学目标 Teaching Goals To review and use the language points and grammar. 理解 Understanding: Words\phrases\sentences\grammar 基本问题basic question: Ss to understand and talk about Likes and dislikes. 2. How to use the phrases to make sentences. 阶段2--评估证据 Step 2-Evaluation evidence 表现性任务Expressive task: Finish the exercise 其他证据other evidence: Understand the paragraph very well then show it with your group members. 教学过程设计 Design Teaching Process 教学步Teaching Steps 教师活动预设 Teaching Activities Design 学生活动预设 Students Activities Design 设计目的 Designing Goals 时间 Time 课题引入 Step1:lead-in The teacher: Can you say sth to praise our school\city\country What\how exclamatory sentences. Practice how to express them Grammar revision 5 讲授新课 Step2 Vocabulary revision. Activity1 Read the passage of U 2 and fill in the blanks with proper wordes. Activity2 According to Chinese, write down the proper form of the words. Activity3Complete the sentences with proper words. 46.这是西方音乐,不是吗? This is Western music, _____ _____? 47.你了解他的一些情况吗? Do you know _____ _____ him 48.让我们清静一会儿吧! _____ _____ _____ _____! 49.我不相信! _____ _____ _____ _____! 50.他的舞曲使他闻名于全欧洲。 His dance music _____ him _____ all over Europe. 51.他写了数百首动听的音乐作品。 He wrote hundreds of wonderful _____ _____ _____. Step 3 Around the world Every year the Vienna New Year’s Concert takes place on 1st January. It is a classical music concert and it always includes pieces of music by Strauss family. People all over the world watch it on TV and enjoy the music. Step 4 Work in pairs. Talk about one or two types of Chinese music. (beautiful fast lively modern sad slow) Step5 Now talk about Chinese music in front of the class. I. To practice listening skills about directions. Ⅱ. To cultivate the interest of English learning and to express themselves about target topic. Language use skills. 35 课堂小结 Talk about the use of the grammar Review the main points 作业布置 Homework A:Finish the exercise book全品M12 复习题+ a passage translation B: Finish the exercise book全品M12 复习题 教学反思 Self-reflection

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