

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:72次 大小:93093Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年译林版七年级下册历年期末检测短文填词集锦 题号 一 总分 得分 首字母短文填空 1. "Study trains" are becoming popular in China When I was at university in the UK, I would often have long train trips. I could do a lot on these trips. I can prepare for the day's lesson on the way in, or I'd read relaxing a (1) on the way home. I could also do creative (创新的) writing when e (2) the views (景色). I always thought, wouldn't it be cool if trains could be mor l (3) libraries Well now, in China, there are trains that do just that! According to a CCTV News report on Feb 20, a "study train" now runs b (4) Chongqing and Xiushan county. In some carriages, desks and chairs have taken the place of seats by windows to l (5) people study while traveling. A s (6) train that runs along the Chengdu-Kunming Railway has also become like a "school bus". Lots of students from nearby schools use their travel t (7) to finish homework on the train. In the UK, many students study in their local l (8) after school. While many grownups take their w (9) into cafes and bars, many also do their work commuting (通勤). But there's rarely (很少) a place on the train to call your own and really focus. It's great that there are trains in China that build up a good study atmosphere (氛围). M (10) the UK can do something similar (类似的)."Study trains"will become more and more popular in the future all around the world. (1) (2) _(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 2. There, you can enjoy fruit tea, snacks, handicrafts (手工艺品) and so on. Go out of your home and to a night market when the sun goes down and you will feel that the day just b (1) . Many new kinds of night markets come out a (2) the country. Some of the markets have the same opening times and others have d (3) ones. Bringing in the newest fashions or following old Chinese markets, they become very p (4) among young shoppers. The might market at Xixili Street in Hainan attracts (吸引) many people. "Different from o (5) night markets, you can see pets, handicrafts and many other things in the new ones," said Wang Yaqi, a student from Hainan University. Xu Dongjie, a pet stall (摊位) owner at the market, told us that foot traffic there was higher than at her pet shop. For her, being part of the market is also a way to make f (6) with pet lovers. At a night market, people can also go into "Old China". At a night market in Hainan, 30 stalls made the streets look like the real ones during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). The owners p (7) up old lights and decorations (装饰品) and they also wore the clothes at that time. Many cities tried to make money by opening night markets. L (8) ,they did it. The "Night Trip of Qinhuai" is hot in Jiangsu. In Chongqing, one night market is full of stalls in the trunks (后备箱) of cars. "Shoppers enjoy the night market, and at the same time, it gives new j (9) to us." many people said. Nighat markets play a big part in the economy (经济). And the kinds of a (10) make our outdoor life more intere ... ...

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