ID: 20431942

北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 3 Conservation Lesson 2 War on Plastic Packets 课件(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-12-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:89次 大小:8596535B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 新北师大版高中英语选择性必修一Unit3 Conservation Lesson2 War on the Plastic Packets 1.To read and talk about war on plastic packets; 2.To listen and read for general understanding; 3.To listen for specific information and understand words in the context; 4.To learn about and practice making and accepting suggestions; 5.To express solutions for unrecyclable shopping packaging. 1._____ n. 包装盒(瓶、袋),包装材料 2._____ n. 消费者 3._____ adj. 浪费的;挥霍的 4._____ vt. 包,裹 5._____ n. 交通运输系统,运输方式 6._____ n. 灰尘,尘土 7._____ adj. 现实的,实际的 8._____ adj. 新颖的,创新的,革新的 packaging  consumer  wasteful  wrap  transportation  dirt  realistic  innovative   9._____ adj. 可再填充的 10._____ adj. 意识到的,明白的 11._____ n. 收集,收藏品,专辑 12._____ adj. 可再使用的,可重复使用的 13._____ adj. 焦虑的,不安的 14._____ n. 筷子 15._____ n. 委员会,理事会 refillable  aware  collection  reusable  anxious  chopsticks  council Activate and share Do you often use plastic bags and boxes Activate and share 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using them Lead-in Group work: Do you often use plastic packets and boxes What are the advantages and disadvantages of using them Use the words and expressions to help you then share your answer with your partners. convenient wasteful and unnecessary terrible for the environment environmentally friendly recyclable to keep the product lasting longer to keep the product fresh/ clean Skill Builder Identifying Opinions People can have different opinions on the same topics. It’s important to study these opinions, so that you can identify and understand the arguments for and against these important issues. As you listen, identify the “topic” words or expressions of opinions and write down any opinion words you hear. Pay attention to the intonation used when agreeing and disagreeing. Use the Skill Builder to decide whose opinion each statement is from. Write K (Kevin) or A (Alicia). Listen for Understanding It is stupid to wrap coconuts in plastic. ( ) Plastic packaging keeps the product fresh. ( ) Plastic packaging is bad for the environment. ( ) 4. The packing should be recyclable. ( ) 5. We should do away with packaging completely. ( ) 6. Refillable containers are not convenient. ( ) K A A K K A Listen for Understanding Plastic packaging Kevin: □ For □ Against · Each coconut was wrapped in clear, thin plastic. Isn’t this _____ of packaging ever · But it’s completely _____. It already has its own natural packaging. It’s got a _____ that’s almost impossible to break! · A lot of the plastic used in packaging _____. It’s terrible _____: Our oceans are _____, and animals and birds end up _____ as a result. the most stupid example wasteful and unnecessary tough shell never recycles for the environment full of plastic waste swallowing the plastic and dying √ Plastic packaging Alicia: □ For ... ...

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