
Units 5-8 单元复习卷(含答案) 广东省深圳2023-2024学年牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)九年级英语上册

日期:2024-07-03 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:26次 大小:37923Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年九年级5-8单元复习卷 姓名_____ 分数_____ Part I 基础知识【九上-unit 05-08】 I.重点词汇 Key words praise, view, director, make-up, contestant, among, forward, relaxed, ahead of, beat, still, single, victory, lucky, news, survey preference, review, product, medical, fat, sugar, state, necessary, research, plenty, treat, customer, serve, service, seat adventure, novel, congratulations, sympathy, steam, writer, humorous, task, board, progress, pity, silence, while, deal, celebrated, lead, plot, lazy, pretend gift, graduation, count, afford, present, sign, goods, search, chain, bill, step, draw, set, accuse, album, note Key phrases a balanced diet, dairy product, stay away from, fried food, soft drink, medical examination, lose weight, plenty of, in general, treat oneself to sth. be prepared to do sth. be seated have rest, think of, come along, what a pity, go on doing, in silence, after a while, turn sth. over, trick sb. into doing sth. look for, at last, fix…on, hold out, (be) accused of, under the name of… II.重点语法 Unit 05 状语从句 Unit 06 宾语从句 Unit 07 定语从句 Unit08 介词短语 III. 根据句意,从方框中选出合适的词组,并用其适当的形式填空,使句子完整,通顺。 1. Although Angela was unprepared, she was soon _____ the other two contestants. 2. We did our homework _____going to the cinema yesterday afternoon. 3. The students didn’t go to school _____the heavy storm last Friday. 4. I don’t _____ you, because, I think we should spend much time in learning English instead of playing computer games. 5. In many western countries, college students do part-time jobs to earn _____. They don’t depend on their parents any more. 6. If you have any questions, please _____first in class. 7. After hearing the good news, Brown called his mother _____ and told her about it. 8. Jack studies very hard _____catch up with other students in his class. 9. What he said _____ to all of us, because we needn’t do homework today. 10. This kind of table _____wood and it looks very beautiful. IV. 用所给词汇适应形式或首字母填空。 1. To our _____(surprise), Mr John was terribly _____(surprise) at what had happened to us. 2. The _____ (direct) said the quiz show bread for breakfast yesterday morning. 3. We are going to have an exam next week, but I am still _____ (prepare), so I am very nervous. 4. Before you use a new machine, you should read the _____ (introduce) first. 5. He decided to take some _____(step) to help the poor. 6.Barry should learn how to eat a _____(balance)diet. 7.The new beauty _____(produce)are popular with young women. 8.We had to give up going fishing in such _____(terribly)weather. 9.The workers were _____(treat)badly in the factory all the time. 10.The president _____(state)that people in his country would live a happier life. 11. He got up early in the morning and did some exercise as u_____. 12. The r_____ shows that it is easier for men to give up smoking than it is for women. 13. It is n_____ for us to keep our hands dry when we use th ... ...

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