ID: 20448613

Module 7 Unit 1 I was born in a small village.课件(共15张PPT) 2023-2024学年外研版七年级英语下册

日期:2025-03-14 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:73次 大小:7903770B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) My past life Module 7 Unit 1 I was born in a small village. Where were you born I was born in Beijing. …Province. Where were you one year ago What was the name of your first school It was… Beijing First Experiment Primary School/ Beijing No.2 Experimental Primary School/ Taoranting Primary School/ Kangleli Primary School/ … What was your primary school like Who was your first teacher Who was your first friend What were they like Daming and Betty are having a conversation. Listen and summarize the main idea. They are mainly talking about Betty’s past life. What aspects do we know about her past life Betty’s past life Birthplace First school Class First teacher 2nd listening: Listen and fill in the table. Quincy; a small town in the US John Adams Primary School; wasn’t big; friendly; 20 students; Ms Smith; strict but nice; Where was she born What was the name of her first school What was it like How many students were there in her class Who was her first teacher What was she like pair work: At the moment, Tony and Betty are also talking with each other. What are they mainly talking about They are mainly talking about their past life. What aspects do they mention Birthplace First school First teacher First friend(s) Lingling Tony Listen and fill in the table. Xucun; a small village in Shanxi Province Cambridge; a small city in England Darwin Primary School / Ms Yao; friendly Mrs Lane; strict but nice / Becky: good in class; Adam: quite difficult Where was Lingling born Where was Tony born What was the name of Tony’s first school Who was Lingling’s first teacher What was she like Who was Tony’s first teacher What was he or she like Who were Tony’s first friends What was he or she like Read aloud. Retelling: Suppose you are one student in Class 4, Grade 7. After school, you introduce your classmates Betty’s, Lingling’s and Tony’s past life to your parents. You can start in this way: My classmate Betty was from… Discussion: What can we ask if we want to know our classmates’ past life When were you born Where were you born What was the name of your first school Birthdate Birthplace Primary School First Teacher Who was your first teacher What was she or he like Who were your first friends What were they like First Friends Pair work Please interview your partner and ask questions to know about his or her past life. When were you born Where were you born What was the name of your first school Who was your first teacher What was she or he like Who were your first friends What were they like Then introduce your partner’s past life to the class. Homework Please interview one of your classmates and ask questions to know about his or her past life. Then write a paragraph to introduce his or her past life. Remember, don’t tell their names. Post your writing to “小管家 ” . Then read some other classmates’ work and guess who is who.

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