

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:77次 大小:78835Byte 来源:二一课件通
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短文选词填空15篇 (2024·河南周口·二模)阅读短文、从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。 good,stop,slow,China,one,feel,take,afraid,city,grow The Chinese high-speed railways have a quality all on its own. Tier I (一线) 1 like Beijing have a couple hundred high-speed trains stopping at the city every day. 2 technology on building the railway is loading the rest of the world. There is no sign that any other country could be 3 than China in the near future. I had my 4 opportunity to ride the high-speed train last week when I had a business meeting in Zhengzhou. As someone who 5 up with a disdain (不屑) for public transportation, I was 6 of the experience. I hoped to fly, but was told that it would be much better if I 7 the train. The train was amazing, I had traveled on a train before in the US and hated how 8 it was and how many stops there were. Chinese high-speed trains are on a different level. The trains are clean and the seats are huge. You can’t even 9 the train is moving fast. If there were no windows, I wouldn’t be able to tell when we 10 or when we were traveling at 300 km/h — it is that smooth. I’m traveling again this week by train and I’m excited, (2024·广西梧州·一模)根据语篇内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。将单词填写在答题卡对应的横线上。每个单词只能用一次。 change however because question student they with be success teach September 28th is very important in China. Many people celebrate the day 11 it is the birthday of the great teacher Confucius (孔子). Confucius 12 born in 551 BC in China. He loved to learn. He thought about many things, and he wasn’t afraid to ask 13 . He studied the Six Arts, and he became really good at 14 . Confucius wanted to share the information 15 everyone. He thought they could become better people with education. So he became a 16 . Confucius 17 people’s ideas about life. He believed that everyone could be 18 if they received an education and worked hard. 19 , in his opinion, education was not just information from books. Confucius said a lot of things. His 20 put them in a book to share with everyone. (2024·广东东莞·二模)请从方框内选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使文章完整连贯。注意每空一词,每词仅用一次,有两词为多余项。请将答案写在答题卡对应题目的答题位置上。 familiar, take, mention, agree, use, keep, come, return, work, one, success, live Giant panda Fu Bao arrived at Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport in Sichuan province on Wednesday. It 21 from South Korea. With vets and panda 22 from China’s panda center and South Korea’s Everland Park, Fu Bao went to a special area to stay alone and make sure she’s healthy. Born in July 2020, this female panda was the 23 one born in South Korea. She was a big 24 of having baby pandas far from home with help from panda experts over the Internet. Since the 1990s, 26 places in 20 countries have talked with China to be agreed to 25 care of giant pandas. Now, there are 4 ... ...

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