
Unit 8 Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming. 周末培优(含答案)2023-2024学年仁爱版英语七年级下册

日期:2024-09-25 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:64次 大小:71294Byte 来源:二一课件通
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仁爱版七年级下册 Unit 8 Topic 2 基础知识 I.根据语境、 汉语或所给单词的提示完成句子, 每空一词。 1.My father bought me a book as my birthday _____. 2.—How do you like our new English teacher —She is _____ (friend) to me, so I like her very much. 3.We _____(arrive) in this city yesterday morning. 4. The food in Yunnan is delicious and the people there are _____(friend). 5. The Palace Museum(故宫博物院) in Beijing is a great place of _____. 6. Winter is the _____(good)time to go to Harbin to enjoy ice lanterns(冰灯). 7. They _____(decide)to go for a picnic yesterday. 8. _____(child)shouldn’t stay alone outside too late at night. 9. You should take a pair of _____(sunglass)when you go outside. 10. It is very _____(danger)for people to run a red light. 11.Lily was born in Fuzhou, and Fuzhou is her _____. 12.Tom plans to buy a _____ /'k m r / in the summer holidays. 13.The weather in Kunming is always fine, so you can go there _____ (sometime). 14.My friend and I hope to live in the ____ /tent/ when we go camping(野营). 15.Traveling around the country _____ (sound) wonderful! II.句型转换 1 .What do you plan to do in your summer holidays (同义句转换) What are _____ _____ _____your summer holidays 2. Maria hopes she can get together with her family soon. (同义句转换) Maria _____ _____ _____ together with her family soon. 3. Look! The children are all busy cleaning their classroom. (同义句转换) Look! _____ _____ the children _____busy cleaning their classroom. 4. Tony would like to go to Australia for his holidays. ( 对画线部分提问) _____ _____Tony _____ ______ ______for his holidays 5. I wish to travel around Canada one day. (对划线部分提问) _____ _____ _____wish to travel one day 6. They want to go to different countries. (同义句改写) They _____ _____ _____ go to different countries. 7. It’s sunny. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ the weather today? 8. Everything is going well here. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ things going here? 周末培优 I.单项选择 ( )1. When do they wish _____ go _____ their summer holiday? A. to; for B. to; about C. for; on ( )2. _____ of the children _____ a new schoolbag on Children’s Day. A. Each; has B. Each; have C. Every; has ( )3. Ben never plays the piano because he has no _____ in it. A. trick B. matter C. interest ( )4. Amy wants to _____ to India because she wants to see the Taj Mahal(泰姬陵). A. start B. climb C. travel ( )5. We planned _____Tim’s birthday in the park yesterday. But the weather wasn’t fine. A. celebrated B. to celebrate C. celebrating ( )6. The weather in this country is different _____ that in ours. A. to B. for C. from ( )7. The Great Wall is an _____ place. It’s one of the places of _____ in China. A. interesting; interesting B. interest; interest C. interesting; interest (  )8.If you need help, you can call me _____. A.sometime     B.every time C.anytime (  )9.Winter is the _____ season to visit Harbin. A ... ...

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