
高教版中职英语高一下册基础模块1 Unit2 Transportation 知识清单+练习(单词、句型、语篇)含答案

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:试卷 查看:13次 大小:1331342Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 2Transportation知识清单 address[ 'dres]n.地址 airport['e p :t]n.机场 change[t eind ]v.换乘 convenient[k n'vi:ni nt]adj.方便的 direction[d 'rek n]n.方向 district['distrikt]n.区 express[ik'spres]n.快线 green[gri:n]adj.绿色的;环境保护的 hire['hai (r)]v.租用 near[ni (r)]prep.临近 province['pr vins]n.省 subway['s bwei]n.地铁 taxi['t ksi]n.出租车 terminal['t :minl]n.航站楼 visitor['vizit (r)]n.游客 bus stop[b s st p]公交车站 get off 下车 get to 到达 take a taxi 打车 rush hour 高峰期 shuttle bus 班车 Summer Palace 颐和园 worry about 担心 you’d better 你最好(是) Li Zixuan, a vocational school student, is talking to a foreign visitor on a bus. Visitor: Excuse me, do you speak English Li Zixuan: Yes. What can I do for you Visitor: Hmmm... I’m going to the Summer Palace, is this the right bus Li Zixuan: The bus number is right, but you’re going in the wrong direction. Visitor: Oh! Maybe I should get off and take a taxi. Li Zixuan: It’s rush hour. A taxi may take too long. You’d better try the subway. There’s a station near the next bus stop. Visitor: How long will it take by subway Li Zixuan: Don't worry about it. It’ll only take about half an hour. By the way, it’s much greener than taking a taxi. Visitor: Brilliant! And it will be fast and convenient. Many thanks! Li Zixuan: It’s a pleasure. 参考译文: 李子轩,一名职业学校学生,正在公交车上与一名外国游客交谈。 游客:请问,您会说英语吗? 李子轩:会的。我能为您做些什么? 游客:嗯……我要去颐和园。坐这辆公交车对吗? 李子轩:公交车号是对的,可是您坐错方向了。 游客:哦!也许我应该下车,坐出租车去。 李子轩:现在是高峰期,坐出租车可能会花太长时间。您最好试试坐地铁。下一个公交车站附近就有一个地铁站。 游客:坐地铁要多长时间? 李子轩:别担心。只需要大约半个小时。另外,这比坐出租车绿色(环保)多了。 游客:太好了!而且坐地铁又快又方便。多谢! 李子轩:不客气。 9. Where is the hotel Hotel address: No. 30 Yingchuan road, Wenhua district, Fulan city, Shanhai province… 10. How can I get to the hotel from the airport Shuttle Bus (from 6:00 to 21:00): Take Line 6 and get off at Zhonghua Hotel station. Subway (from 5:00 to 23:00): Start from Terminal 1 station, Airport Express Line, change for Subway Line 2 at Zhuquemen station, get off at Zhonghua Square station and take Exit B. Taxi: It takes at least one hour, and costs about 80 yuan. 11. How can I get to the hotel from the train station Subway (from 5:00 to 23:00): Take Line 2, start from the train station, get off at Zhonghua Square station, and take Exit B. Bus (from 5:00 to 24:00): Take Bus 707, get off at Zhonghua Square South station. Taxi: It takes at least half an hour, and costs about 30 yuan. … 参考译文: 常见问题解答 9.酒店在哪里? 酒店地址:山海省福兰市文华区颍川路 30号…… 10.我如何从机场前往酒店? 班车(6:00-21:00):乘坐(机场班车)6号线,在中华酒店站下车。 地铁(5:00-23:00):从机场快线1号航站楼站出发,在朱雀门站换乘地铁2号线,至中华广场站下车,从B出口出站。 出租车:至少需要1个小时,费用约为 80元。 11.我如何从火 ... ...

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