
人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains Section B 2a-2e课件(共23张PPT,含内嵌视频)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:46次 大小:25432976Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教新目标英语八年级下册 Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section B 2a-2e warm up Enjoy a vedio lead in Free talk A fairy tale is an old, traditional story. What story do you know in the picture It is Sleeping Beauty(睡美人). Cinderlla(灰姑娘). Hansel and Gretel (糖果屋) Little Red Riding Hood(小红帽) Can you tell the story in front of the class / f ri te l/ 童话故事 new words Learn new words 1.stepmother n. 继母 Luckily to her, her stepmother was kind to her. 2.wife n. 妻子; 太太 He phoned his wife to say he’d be late. 3.husband n. 丈夫 Mrs. Brown lost her husband in the crowd. 4.whole adj. 全部的; 整体的 whole强调整体上 the whole + n. all强调全部(数量上)all the + n. All the students succeeded in the exam. 5.scene n. 场;场景 The last scene has been cut off from the film. 6.shine v. 发光; 照耀 Thu sun was shining and the sky was blue. new words Learn new words 7.bright adv. 明亮地; 光亮地 The moon shines so bright tonight. 拓展:bright adj. 明亮的; 光线充足的 8.ground n. 地;地面 9.lead v. 带路;领路 Would you please to lead us around your factory 10.brave adj. 勇敢的 new words Learn new words stepmother wife husband hole scene moonlight shine look and say Learn new words bright ground lead voice brave 2a.A fairy tale is an old, traditional story. Do you know what these fairy tales are about Sleeping Beauty Cinderella Little Red Riding Hood 睡美人 灰姑娘 小红帽 presentation A lovely princess had to sleep for 100 hundred years because of an evil magic. One hundred years later, a young prince came and saved the princes. They got married and had a happy life. Sleeping Beauty presentation Cinderella was a lovely girl. Her old mother died. Her father married a wife, and the stepmother had brought two elder sisters. Cinderella did a lot of housework every day. Her stepmother treated her badly. With the help of a fairy godmother, Cinderella attended the dance party but left one glass shoe. That glass shoe made the Prince and Cinderella fall in love with each other. They married and lived happily forever. 2a.A fairy tale is an old, traditional story. Do you know what these fairy tales are about Cinderella pre-reading 2b.Read the first paragraph of Hansel and Gretel. Think about how the fairy tale will continue. Then read the rest of the story. 1.Read quickly and find out what kind of the text it is_____. A:a letter B:a short story C:a play D:a piece of news C 2. How many scenes and characters in the play 3. Who are the characters Seven scenes and four characters. Gretel, Hansel, Wife and Husband. Finding Out the Text Type Before you read, decide what kind of text it is. Is it a letter, a play, a short story or something else Hansel and Gretel lived near a forest with their father and stepmother.One year.the weather was so dry that no food would grow.The wife told her husband that unless he left the children to die in the forest.The whole family would die.Gretel heard this ... ...

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