
Unit2 Let's play sports Period5 Integrated skills 课时周练(含解析)2023-2024学年牛津译林版七年级英语上册

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:10次 大小:255337Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Let’s play sports! Period 5 Integrated skills 一、介词填空 1. Many_____ us like swimming. 2. They are good_____ football. 3. She often listens_____ music. 4. I enjoy computer games. What _____you 5. I have a lot friends _____school. 二、从方框中选择合适的词或短语,并用其适当形式填空 table tennis;else;a lot of;fun;be good at 1. I have_____ books at home. I often read them. 2. The Chinese people love _____and many of them play very well. 3. Zhou Fang _____English. I hope she can help me with my English. 4. 一Where_____ are you going this weekend —I am going to the old town,too. 5. I think it is _____to watch TV at home. Do you think so 三、单项选择 1. --Who is _____man in a red hat —It's Jim Brown. We often play_____ basketball together in our free time. A. an;a B. a;/ C. the;a D. the;/ 2. Ronaldo(罗纳 尔多)is my favourite_____ player. A. basketball B. volleyball C. football D. table tennis 3. Jane goes to the Music Club_____ every Monday afternoon. A. at B. / C. on D, in 4. Tom plays_____ in our school football team. A. very good B. very well C. very nice D. very happy 5. 一I like talking on the phone with my friends.--_____ A. Me,too B. You are right C. Yes,I do D. I enjoy 6. Ben cannot play_____ volleyball,but he can play _____piano well. A. the/the B. /;/ C. the;/ D. /;the 7. 一 _____you free on Sundays —Yes,I _____have much to do at weekends. A. Are;aren't B. Are;don’t C. Do;don't D. Do;aren't 四、句型转换 1. She often eats some bread for breakfast.(改为否定句) She _____often_____ _____ bread for breakfast. My uncle doesn't finish his work at five o'clock.(改为肯定句) My uncle _____his work at five o clock. 3. I’m in the Reading Club.(改为同义句) I'm_____ _____ _____ the Reading Club. 4.What other things do you like to do (改为同义句) _____ _____ do you like to do 5. He has many story books.(改为同义句) He has _____ _____ _____story books. 五、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词 1.她的朋友中有许多人喜欢跳舞。 _____ _____her friends_____ _____. 2.桑迪放学后经常干什么? _____ _____Sandy _____ _____after school 3.每年她都读很多有趣的书籍。 She_____ _____ _____ _____ _____books every year. 4.你还想做什么呢? _____ _____do you want_____ _____ 5.绘画使我感觉到很棒。 Drawing_____ _____ _____ _____. 6.他不是非常喜欢踢足球。 He _____like_____ football_____ _____. 7.她常和朋友一起步行回家。 She often_____ _____ _____ her friends. 8.我妈妈希望我梦想成真。 My mother_____ my dream_____ _____. 9 .他的篮球打得非常好。 He _____basketball_____ _____. 10.玛丽最喜欢的足球运动员是谁? Who is_____ _____ football_____ 六、阅读理解 1. This is a poster of_____. A. a sports meeting B. a charity walk C. a football match D. a women’s race 2. This event will start_____. A. early in the morning B. late in the morning C. early in the afternoon D. late in the afternoon 3. If you take part in this event with your parents, the least cost will be_____. A. 105 dollars B. 120 dollars C. 165 dollars D. 360 dollars ... ...

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