
Unit2 Let's play sports Period1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit课时周练(含答案)牛津译林版七年级英语上册

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:70次 大小:164243Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Let’s play sports! Period 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 一、根据首字母或中文提示写出单词 1. I love badminton. W_____ about you 2. Is this v_____ yours, Peter Let's play it. 3. Eddie loves w_____ to his bowl. 4. 一What is your f_____ sport 一Swimming,I think. 5. We like books and we are in the R_____ Club. 6. They play b_____ on the basketball court. 7. My father e_____ reading newspapers at lunchtime. 8. The girl likes_____(游泳). 9. My cousin often plays_____(足球)after work. 10. Her mother usually plays_____(网球)on Saturdays and Sundays. 二、单项选择 1. He walks to his father's office_____. A many time a day B. many times a day C. much time days D. much times a day 2. Tom was happy to get a chance to play _____football for the school team. A. a B. an C. the D,不填 3. Mr Jackson is a popular writer, and we all like reading_____ books. A. his B. her C. their D. your 4. 一Do you_____ to school 一Yes. My home is very near our school. A. take the bus B. like C. walk D. fly 5. Kate enjoys_____ in this river in summer. A swim B. swimming C. football D. playing volleyball 三、句型转换 1. He walks home after school every day.(改为同义句) He _____home_____ _____ after school every day. 2. My cousin has a lot of friends.(改为否定句) My cousin_____ _____ a lot of friends. 3. I play table tennis after school.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) —_____ _____play table tennis after school -Y es,_____ _____. 4. Tom takes a bus to school every day. (改为同义句) Tom_____ to school _____ _____every day. He often flies a kite in the park.(改为否定句) He _____often _____a kite in the park. We are middle school students.(改为一般疑问句) _____ _____ middle school students 四、补全对话。(有两个选项多余) A: Good morning,Millie. A. I like playing tennis. B: 1 What class are you in B. Do you often go swimming A: 2 What about you C. I am in Class 4,Grade 7. B: I am in Class 1,Grade 7. Oh, we are in different classes. D. Bye-bye. A: 3 Do you want to play with me E. Are you good at swimming B: I don't like tennis. I am good at swimming. F. I don't like swimming. A: 4 G. Good morning. B: Yes,I do. I often swim after school. Do you often play tennis A: Yes. I play it every day. B: Oh,it's time to have classes. Goodbye. A: 5 五、阅读理解 Benjamin is in Munich,Germany. He is a designer(设计师). He is working in an office. How does Benjamin go to work He swims. Benjamin lives in a house across his office. There is a river between his office and his house. It takes him a long time to take a bus to work, so he swims to work and goes back home every day. “Swimming every day makes me relaxed,“ he said. How does Benjamin swim across the river He usually takes a bag. The bag is waterproof. He puts his keys and phones in the bag. He wears sandals (凉鞋),so glasses or other things in the river don't damage(破坏,损害)his feet. In summer,he swims back home for lunch. But in winter,he has lunch in his office. In the cold season, he puts on ... ...

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