

日期:2024-06-23 科目:文理综 类型:小学试卷 查看:46次 大小:3835904Byte 来源:二一课件通
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云阳县2023年春季学业质量调研测试 四年级综合科试卷 (全卷满分100分 测试时间80分钟) (监考教师提醒学生不认识的字可以举手询问) 学科 英语 道德与法治 科学 总分 总分人 得分 《英语》试题: 一、写一写,将下列括号内所给的单词正确抄写在四线三格里。(5分) 1.It is Chen Jie's (dress) : 2.Look at these (cows) They are fat. 製 新 3.Would you like a (knife) and a fork : 部 4.Do you have a (library) 5.They are very (expensive) 制 : 二、读一读,选出下列每组中不同类的单词,将正确答案的序号写在相应的括 号内。(5分) )6.A.shopping B.jacket C.coat 学业质量调研测试四年级综合科试卷第1页共8页 试 ( )7.A.sunny B.sun C.sunglasses ( )8.A.horse B.tomato C.pig ( )9.A.red B.forty C.green ( )10.A.lunch B.homework C.dinner 人 三、选一选,看图读句子,将符合句子意思的正确答案的序号写在相应的括号 内。(5分) ( )11.It's an apple. A B.S )12.My brother is a farmer. A B )13.I want a sweater. B )14.It's three o'clock )15.I like English class 应的括 B 学业质量调研测试四年级综合科试卷第2页共8页 四、单项选择。将正确答案的序号写在相应的括号内。(⑤分) 六、阅 ()16.That scarf is pretty is it LO 一 It's 100 yuan. black p A.How much B.How many C.How black se )17.-Where is the computer room green. It's on the floor. A.second B.Two C.one )18.-Whose coat is this -It's 。 A.mine B.my C.I )19.-What are those potatoes. A.It is B.They are C.I am )20.It's 36 degrees in Chongqing today.It is very A.cold B.hot C.cool 五、情景交际。从右边对话框里选择正确答案,并将序号写在相应的括号内。 (5分) ()21.What's the weather like A.It's next to the art room. ()22.What time is it now B.It's sunny. ()23.Can I have some soup C.It's two o'clock. )24.Is it rainy outside(在外面)? D.Yes,you can )25.Where is the library E.No,it isn't. 学业质量调研测试四年级综合科试卷第3页共8页

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