ID: 20522907

北师大版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 9 Learning Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory Writing Workshop课件(共30张PPT)

日期:2024-10-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:51次 大小:3350920B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 9 Learning Writing Workshop If one can attain new understanding by reviewing old knowledge, he can qualify as a teacher. Leading in What does it mean Vocabulary reflection on reflection 反思;经过思考 reflective adj. 反射的;沉思的;反映的 reflect vi.& vt. 仔细思考;表达(意见);反映 reflect on/ upon 思考 reflect well/ badly on sb. 给某人以好的/ 坏的印象 练习:Meg stared at her _____ in the bedroom mirror. reflection GET READY FOR WRITING Group Work You are going to write a reflective journal on what you have learnt from this unit. Discuss with your group members. A reflective journal is a personal record of student's learning experiences. It is a space where a learner can record and reflect upon their observations and responses to situations, which can then be used in future learning. GET READY FOR WRITING What have you learnt from this unit Things I can do to become an active learner Tips to improve language learning Techniques to strengthen my memory Learning GET READY FOR WRITING Did you learn anything useful or interesting Give an example. Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips Lesson 1 Active Learning Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory Listen to the outer voice Argue with the inner voice Get to the truth Focus on the message ... Tips to improve language learning Read simplified classic works Learn words in context Use grammar in speaking and writing activities Listen to English programs ... Learning Techniques to strengthen my memory Retell what we have learnt to others Focus on the ideas and be curious about what we learn Review the materials periodically after learning Make full use of our memory when we are young ... Things I can do to become an active learner What is learning reflection Learning reflection is one of learning styles. It involves students thinking about what they have read, done, or learnt, relating the lesson at hand to their own lives and making meaning out of the material. It's more than just memorizing some facts, formulas or dates. It's necessary for students to revisit what they have learned for improvement and for in-depth learning. It gives students an opportunity to document their learning journey and provide references and suggestions for students. READ FOR WRITING What are the advantages of learning reflection Accepting responsibility for your learning and as a result, for your personal growth; Becoming metacognitive, or aware of your internal thinking processes; Becoming aware of your motives with your actions; Seeing a link between the work you are putting into learning and what you are getting out of it READ FOR WRITING READ FOR WRITING How to write a learning reflection ·Identify the topic you are going to reflect on. ·List what you knew about the topic before learning it, and what you know about it now. ·Identify the main idea of each paragraph. READ FOR WRITING Read the learning reflection. List the things the writer has reflected on. Wha ... ...

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