ID: 20525185

Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section B 2a—3b Self check 表格式教学设计

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:18次 大小:1612813B 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 七年级 学期 秋季 课题 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section B 2a-3b Self check 教学目标 1. Students can understand and master the key words and sentence patterns, and get the passage of details. (Understanding). 2. students can analyze Kate and Gina whose room is tidy. (Analyzing). 3. students can express their ideas about how to place things properly and form good living and study habits. (Applying). 4. students can write a short passage to introduce your classroom. (Transferring creating). 教学内容 教学重点: 1.Understand and master the key words and sentence patterns, and get the passage of details. 2.Analyze Kate and Gina whose room is tidy. 3.Express their ideas about how to place things properly and form good living and study habits. 教学难点:1. Express their ideas about how to place things properly and form good living and study habits. 2.Write a short passage to introduce their room。 教学过程 Lead-in Activity 1 Guessing game (1 minutes) Give 3 hints: 1. It’s a big box. 2. It has many things in it. 3. You can sleep and play in it. Lead in the theme of this class: room. Pre-reading Activity 1 Free talk (5 minutes) Talk about two pictures: Q: Which one do you want to live in Why Teach new words: tidy, untidy, everything, everywhere. Activiti 2 Prediction (2 minutes) What’s their relationship Which room belongs to them While-reading Activiti 1 skimming (2 minutes) What’s their relationship Which room belongs to them Activity 2 Analyze the passage (5 minutes) What’s the function of the second sentence. a). Introduce the idea of “topic sentence”and “supporting details”. 2.How can we use “and “and “but” a). Explain the function of conjunctions. b). Do practice. Activity 3 complete the chart (5 minutes) Complete the chart about the things Kate and Gina have and where they are. Post-reading Activiti 1 retelling (5 minutes) Look at the two pictures and retell the story. Activiti 2 writing (15 minutes) a). Finish this chart b). Follow the instruction diagram to write a passage about your room. c.) Rate your passage according to this checklist: Self-check Activity 1 Review all the word we have learnt in this unit and review words about things in a room we have already learnt before. Activity 2 Use the key sentence structure “A+ be+ prep.+B” to describe What in a room. Activity 3 Look at the picture and complete the passage. This is my classroom. There are 45 students in my class 1._____ it is very tidy. There 2._____ some pictures, a TV and a clock on the wall. Near the window there are some 3. _____ and 4. _____. What 5. _____ on the teacher’s desk There is a new 6. _____. My classroom is like a home for every student.

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