
2024-2025学年牛津译林版英语七年级上册Unit2 Let's play sports 单元达标测试卷(含解析)

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:46次 大小:565343Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2单元检测卷 (时间:60分钟满分:100分) 题序 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 结分人 核分人 得分 第I卷选择题(45分) 一、单项选择(15分) 1. Mr White likes_____ home after work. A. to walking B. walking to C. walk D. walking 2.———Does Daniel_____ a bus to school every day -No,he doesnt. A. go B. come C. take D. have 3. Simon_____ many_____. A. have;hobby B. has;hobby C. have;hobbies D. has;hobbies 4. _____your friends _____Beijing A. Are;from B. Do;come from C. Are;come from D. A and B 5.——— _____your sister good at_____ ———No,she isn't. A. Are;singing B. Is;music C. Do;music D. Does;sing 6. —Does Daniel listen_____ music every day ———No,he doesnt. A. for B. in C. with D. to 7 —_____ do you do morning exercises 一Every morning. A. How many B. How often C. How much D. How many times 8. Simon _____ at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. He _____ school. A. studys;enjoys B. studies;enjoies C. studies;enjoys D. study;enjoy 9 _____ your brother_____ his hands before meals A. Do;wash B. Does;wash C. Does;washes D. Is;wash 10. She_____ cousins here. A. Doesn’t have any B. not has C. no has D. doesn't have a 11. What are they talking_____ A. with B. to C. for D. about 12. What_____ do you want A. other B. elses C. else D. elseS 13. Music makes_____ happy. A. he feels B. he feel C. him feels D. him feel 14. One of the players_____ my hero. A. is B. are C. like D. has 15. British people usually shake hands the first time _____ meet. A. they B. you C. we D. I 二、完形填空(10分) 阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出 可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Do you like sports Do you 1 basketball,soccer or table tennis 2 school My brother’s name is Tom and my name is Jack. Our 3 name is White. Tom and I like sports very much. 4 are both thirteen years old. We are in the same class. We study in Class Five,Grade Seven. We play tennis in the 5 before we go to school. It is very relaxing. We can play tennis very 6 . We also like 7 . I have two basketballs and Tom has three basketballs. We 8 basketball matches on TV and play it 9 class every day. We think 10 is good for our health (健康). What sports do you play 1. A. have B. play C. know D. watch 2. A. at B. for C. on D. of 3. A. first B. home C. family D. school 4. A. They B. You C. We D. She 5. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. day 6. A. good B. well C. easy D. fun 7. A. football B. volleyball C. basketball D. baseball 8. A. see B. watch C. excuse D. spell 9. A. in B. at C. after D. on 10. A. it B. he C. she D. you 三、阅读理解(20分) A Mr and Mrs Smith have two children,Kevin and Jenny. The whole family are all busy,so they often leave notes to each other. Here are these four notes of today. 3: 30 p. m. To Kevin, Mr King rang, teliing there is no football practice today,and he asked you to get ready for the football match tomorrow. Jenny 4: 00 p. m. To Jenny, It's your turn to walk our pet dog Teddy and play with him after school. Kevin 6: 45 p. m. To ... ...

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