ID: 20533104


日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:23次 大小:3175424B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 35 -36 Review Let’s review the words 日子 云 天空 太阳 照耀 和···在一起 家庭 走路 跨越,在····之上 桥 11.船 12.河 13.轮船 14.飞机 15.飞 16.睡觉 17.刮脸 18.哭,喊 19.洗 20.等 21.跳 他们在做什么? 他们在从墙上跳下来。 他们正在从桥上走过吗? 不,他们正在等候公共汽车。 这些女的不在洗碗。他们正在做饭。 这些猫在喝牛奶吗?不,他们在睡觉。 翻译句子 Learn the new words photograph [′f t grɑ:f] n.照片 (=photo) take a photograph A photograph of …的照片 village [′v l d ] n.村庄 villager[′v l d ] n.村民 valley [′v l ] n.山谷 between [b ′twi:n] prep.在……之间(在两者之间) between...and... wife [wa f] n.妻子 husband['h zb nd] n.丈夫 water [w :t ] n.水 v.浇水 swim [sw m] v.游泳(swimming) have a swim bank [b k] n.河岸 ;银行 along [ ′l ] prep.沿着... along the bank 沿着河岸 walk along the bank沿着河岸走 park[pɑ:k] n.公园 in the park v.停车:No parking. building [b ld ] n.大楼,建筑物 school building学校大楼 office building办公室大楼 beside[bi‘said] prep. 在旁边 off [ :f, f] prep. 离开 hill [h l] n.小山 mountain [mauntin 'ma ntn] ] 大山 into [int 'intu:, ] prep.进入 go into...走进... another [ ′n ] det.另一个 What are they doing They are fighting. Where are they fighting They are fighting in the room. New sentences What are they doing They are dancing. Where are they dancing They are dancing in the classroom. What are they doing They are reading. Where are they reading They are reading on the grass. go into Where are the women They are going into the park. go out of Where are the students They are going out of the school. between …and… Where is the boy sitting He is sitting between his mother and father. across She is walking across the road Simon is swimming across the pool. along Millie is walking along the road. over walk over the bridge jump over the chair fly over Where is the aeroplane flying It is flying over the sea. Where are the ships sailing They are sailing under the aeroplane. Listening Look at Page 71. Look and listen . Do not speak. Then answer the questions. Listen again and repeat. Finish the exercises of Part A & B on Page 72. 1.Grammar 短语动词: 1.定义:短语动词通常是指动词后面常跟一个介词或副词短语的这类动词。 2.结构:动词+介词或副词短语。 3.包含:最常见的短语动词是由英语中最短小和最简单的动词构成的,这些动词常与表示位置或方向的介词或副词组合,如along, in, off, on, out, over, under,into等。 4.例子:walk along(沿着···走) jump off(从···跳下)sit under(在···下坐着) run across(穿过···跑) walk over(走过···) fly over(飞过···)go into(走进···) The dog is ____ _____the wall.(从···跳下) He is ___ _____a shop.(走进···) The children are _____the grass.(坐在··上) The dogs are_____ a cat(追赶···) The cats are _____the grass.(越过···跑) They are_____the bridge.(走过···) The plane is _____ the river.(飞过···)  jumping off going into sitting on running after running across walking over flying over Exercise ... ...

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