ID: 20546052

Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section B 2a—3b Self check 课件(共16张PPT)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:79次 大小:6499394B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section B 2a-3b Self check 年 级:七年级上册 学 科:初中英语(人教版) It’s a big box. r o o m It has many things in it. You can sleep and play in it. Clean / we can find everything easily. The books are on the floor, on the chair and on the bed… everywhere tidy untidy /a / adv. 到处 What’s the relationship(关系) between them Maybe they’re _____. friends /classmates /sisters Which room belongs to each of them Kate Gina untidy tidy topic sentence Kate Gina supporting details Skimming 1. They’re friends /classmates /sisters. 2. Kate’s room is _____. Gina’s room is _____. tidy untidy I like apples _____ I don't like oranges. Tom is a student _____ he is 13 years old. but and 2c Complete the chart about the things Kate and Gina have and where they are. Kate Gina Things Where Things Where books and tapes keys clock in the bookcase in the schoolbag on the desk books model plane keys, ruler, schoolbag everywhere(on the bed, on the sofa, under the chair) under the desk don’t know Who do you want to make friends with Why Kate’s room Gina’s room … in the bookcase … on the desk … under the desk … are everywhere Write a short passage about your room. Is your room tidy or not 3.Where are your things 2.What’s in your room 4.Do you like your room What Yes/No Where a dictionary yes on my desk a schoolbag a pencil box a radio books pens tapes CDs My pens are _____. My_____ is _____. And my _____are _____. I have a/an _____ room. I love my room. Beginning Body Ending My Room Checklist: Stars: _____ Does my passage has 3 parts Do I use right sentences to talk about things Do I use conj.(and / but) to make the passage more fluent(流利的) Do I spell the words correctly What do you see in this room? furniture / f rn t r/ stationary / ste neri/ 家具 文具 desk chair bed sofa table bookcase Stationery pencil pen rulers eraser pencil box dictionary books notebook schoolbag watch, _____ _____ key cup computer baseball computer game TV clock radio tape hat tape player model plane orange Others 其他 s To talk about where things are: pron. This book These books It They n. v. am is are in/on/under n. the desk on under in 这本书在书桌上。 This book is on the desk. A + be + prep + B. 这些书在书桌上。 These books are on the desk. Can you describe this room? The schoolbag is the floor. on The football is the chair. under The books and pencil box are the desk. on The pen and pencil are the pencil box. in This is my classroom. There are 45 students in my class 1._____ it is very tidy. There 2._____ some pictures, a TV and a clock on the wall. Near the window there are some 3. _____ and 4. _____. What 5. _____ on the teacher’s desk There is a new 6. _____. My classroom is like a home for every student. but are desks chairs is computer

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