ID: 20549932


日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:79次 大小:18104B 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson13--Lesson14同步练习 一.单词辩音,选出划线部分与其它三个不同的单词 ( )1.(a)lovely (b)upstairs (c)colour (d)dog ( )2.(a)green (b)he (c)she (d)hello ( )3.(a)same (b) name (c)hat (d)case ( )4.(a)pardon (b)smart (c)carpet (d)Korean ( )5.(a)come (b)colour (c)catch (d)nice 二.英汉互译 dress 2. 狗 3.lovely e upstairs 5.绿色的 6. look 7.hat 8. case 9.shirt 10. carpet 11. same 12. 颜色 连线题 棕色的 A. grey 红色的 B. black 灰色的 C. blue 黑色的 D.brown 橘黄色的 E. white 黄色的 蓝色的 G. red 白色的 H. yellow 四、选择填空 1. Come see it. A.or. C.and D./ Look. Here .A very nice dress! is it B. it is C.they are D. are they That’s a very nice dress. It’s . A. dirty B. short C. hot D. smart ———What colour is your carpet ———It's . A. old C.big D. red ———What colour is your coat ———It's . young B. long C.short D. green 6. That is a hat! love B. loves C. lovely D. loving 7.My dress is . smart dress B. smart C. a smart D. the smart 五. 根据课文补全对话,每空一词。 LOUISE: What 1. is your new dress ANNA: 2. is green. Come 3. and see it. LOUISE: Thank you. ANNA: Look! 4. it is! LOUISE: That's 5. nice dress. It's very 6. . ANNA: My hat's new, too. LOUISE: 7. colour is it ANNA: It's the 8. colour. It's green, 9. . LOUISE: That is a lovely 10. ! 参考答案 一 ddcdd 二 裙子 dog 可爱的 上楼 green 看 帽子 箱子 衬衫 地毯 相同的 colour 三 DGABFHCE 四 CBDDDCB 五 colour It upstairs Here a smart What same too hat

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