ID: 20551186

Module 3 Animals Unit 6 Pets Writing 课件(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-12-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:85次 大小:6011920B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Writing Module 3 Animals Unit 6 Pets Period 6 Teaching goals 1.掌握议论文的体裁特点; 2.掌握议论文的写作方法: 提出观点、论证观点、总结观点; 3.能够写出一篇与宠物话题有关的议论文。 Lead-in Which one is the best pet Why cute faithful colourful quiet lovely independent ... Emma Keeping a pet dog Opinion Reasons 1.cute 2.learn responsibility 3. faithful & bring happiness Supporting details nice to hold feed, train and play with them wonderful to see them grow up learn to care for others Conclusion a good idea Argumentation (议论文 ) The structure of an argumentation (议论文的结构) Opinion Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 Supporting details Supporting details ... ... ... Conclusion Supporting details Pre-writing Daniel: Dogs make the best pets. I think that dogs make the best pets. Reasons: Dogs are lovely. Dogs are faithful to their owners. Walking a dog can help the owner stay healthy. Reasons Opinion Supporting details ... Conclusion Is it convincing (有说服力的)enough The outline of an argumentation Dogs make the best pets I think that dogs make the best pets. Firstly, dogs are lovely. I enjoy playing with them. It’s pleasant to hold them in our arms. Secondly, dogs are faithful. There was once a faithful dog in Japan. One day, his owner died suddenly of a heart attack. The dog did not know it and kept on waiting for his owner every day for many years, until he died. Thirdly, if you keep a pet dog, you need to walk it every day. When you are walking your dog, you are doing exercise. For these reasons, I believe that dogs make the best pets. Daniel's writing Find out the supporting details. How did Daniel develop supporting details 1.personal experience enjoy/love/be fond of... It's adj.(for sb.) to do sth. 2. a story or an example There was once a... 3. an explanation(解释说明) If... Dogs make the best pets I think that dogs make the best pets. Firstly, dogs are lovely. I enjoy playing with them. It’s pleasant to hold them in our arms. Secondly, dogs are faithful. There was once a faithful dog in Japan. One day, his owner died suddenly of a heart attack. The dog did not know it and kept on waiting for his owner every day for many years, until he died. Thirdly, if you keep a pet dog, you need to walk it every day. When you are walking your dog, you are doing exercise. For these reasons, I believe that dogs make the best pets. How did Daniel make his writing coherent(连贯的) 表达观点: I think that... I believe that... In my opinion, ... 分点论述:Firstly,... Secondly,.../What's more,.../Besides,... Thirdly,.../Finally,... 逻辑连词: 因果:so,.../ For these reasons,... 并列: ...and... 转折: ...but... Betty's opinion Betty: Goldfish make the best pets. Reasons While-writing colourful and beautiful quiet Choosing supporting details Opinion Reasons Conclusion Goldfish make the best pets. 1. Goldfish are colourful and beautiful. 2. Goldfish are quiet. Goldfish are the best pets. a. T ... ...

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