ID: 20558251

Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section B 1a-1e 教学设计(表格式)人教版七年级上册

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:80次 大小:21194B 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 七年级 学期 秋季 课题 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section B (1a-1e) 教学目标 Be able to grasp new words: radio, clock, tape, player, model plane… Be able to know some speaking and listening skills. Be able to describe where things are by using on,in,under . 3 4. To form good living habits . 教学内容 教学重点: Remember new words and can describe where things are . 教学难点 : Be able to describe where things are by using on,in,under . 教学过程 Step1. Review and lead in Review the three prepositions on, in ,under by using some pictures like this: Where is... It’s ... Where are... They are... Is the ruler in ... Yes, it is. No, they aren’t. Are these keys on ... Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. Step2. Presentation Present the new words Students work together and try to read the words by themselves.The teacher pay attention to the difficult pronunciation. Then complete 1a, match the words with the pictures. Memory challenge Look at the picture carefully in 1a and remember as more words as possible and know where they are . Who has a better memory Step3. Listening and speaking Listen for the first time and answer these two questions. Listen and circle the things Tom wants from his room.Then check the answers. Listen again. Where are Tom’s things. 4. Talk about where the things are . Step4 .Report. After the cleaning, where are these things How is Tom’s room Step 4. Summary Let’s have a summary. What have you learned today Step 5. Reflection on teaching: 优点: 1.注重英语情景的设计,通过小组竞赛,小组展示自然引入课堂教学。 2.加强听力方法指导,提高学生获取信息的能力。 不足点:

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