ID: 20558253

Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section B 1a-1e 教案(表格式)人教版七年级上册

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:31次 大小:398038B 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 七年级 学期 秋季 课题 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section A 1a-1e 教学目标 1.知识目标: (1)掌握单词和短语:radio, clock, tape, player, model, plane,bring... to... (2) 熟练掌握本课重点句型: —Where’s his tape —It’s in the tape player. —Where are your English books —They’re on the chair. 能力目标:能够听懂有关询问和描述物品所在位置的对话内容,培养学生提取关键信息的能力。 3.情感目标:教育学生要养成爱整洁、合理摆放物品的好习惯。 教学内容 教学重点: 1. 能够听懂有关询问和描述物品所在位置的对话内容,培养学生提取关键信息的能力。 2. 巩固运用where句型和方位介词in/on/under来提问并准确表达物品的位置关系。 教学难点: 巩固运用where句型和方位介词in/on/under来提问并准确表达物品的位置关系。 教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up This is my room. Can you help me find my things A:Where is the ... B:It’s in/on/under... A: Where are the ... B:They’re in/on/under.... Step 2 Presentation Learn the new words: --What’s this It’s a/an clock/radio/tape/player/model/plane Step 3 Pre-listening 1a Match the words with the things in the picture 1b Look at the picture in 1a for three minutes.Then close your books and write down all the things you remember. hat, CD, alarm clock, video tape, schoolbag, pencils, bookcase, books, door, ruler, pencil case, notebook, bed … Make conversations with your partner according to the picture. A: Where is the radio B: It’s on the table. A: where are the ...B: They’re... Step 4 While-listening (1)1c Listen and circle the things Tom wants from his room. Tom needs English books,a ruler,a notebook and a tape. (2)1d Listen again. Where are Tom’s things Write them down. The English books are under the radio./ The ruler is on the bed./ The notebook is under the plane in the bookcase./ The tape is in the tape player. Listen again and complete the conversation Step 5 Post-listening Role play the conversation .Don’t forget to use emotions. (2)1e Ask and answer questions about the things in Tom’s room. A: Where is the … B: It’s … A: Where are the … B: They are … A: Is the … B: Yes, it is. / No it isn’t. It is … A: Are the … B: Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. They are … (3)Group work :Four students as a group, help Tom clean the room and put the things in the correct place then make a report about the room after your cleaning. Now Tom’s room is clean.The pencils are in the pencil box.The notebook is in the schoolbag. The books are …The baseball is …, and the bag is … Step 6 Exercise Step 7 Summary Step 8 Homework (1)Role-play the conversation with your partner. (2)Draw a picture of your room and describe it to your partner.

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