ID: 20562417

Unit 9 My Favorite Subject Is Science Section A 1a-1c 课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:19次 大小:18961656B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. Section A 1a-1c Ms Liu 26 What is the date today It is December 26th. December 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 January 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 an English test Lead-in:Look at the calendar and talk about the activities. a soccer game a new year's party a school trip Sports Day School Day We have a/an ... on ... ... is on .... Linda Anna Linda: Oh, the English test is coming. I don't like English. It's difficult for me! Anna: I like English. So I'm OK with it. What's your favorite subject Linda: My favorite subject is Chinese. Anna: Why do you like Chinese Linda: Because it is useful. Ms Liu I'm your English teacher. Do you like or dislike English English is a very useful subject. What other subjects do you know Chinese have Chinese / t a ni z/ Chinese math have math /m θ/ English have English history have history 公元1842年 / h stri/ geography have geography /d i ɡr fi/ politics biology / p l t ks/ /ba l d i/ music P.E. art science computer / mju z k/ / sa ns/ Chinese hand-writing g o g r p h a r t i s t o r y n g l i s h m a t h C h n e s e P E s c i e n c e m u s i c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E h h y s i C i e y t a t 填学科游戏 GAME a b c d e f g h 1. P.E. ___ 2. art ___ 3. science ___ 4. music ___ 5. math ___ 6. Chinese ___ 7. geography ___ 8. history ___ c f b e h d a g 1B Listen and circle the subjects you hear in 1a. 1A Match the words with the pictures in 1a. Linda: Hi, Anna! How's your first day of school Anna: Hey, Linda! It's good. I'm happy to see all my friends. What about you Linda: Me, too. And my classes are great. Anna: What's your favorite subject Linda: My favorite subject is science. What's yours Anna: Hmm. Well, I like art and math. But My favorite subject is music. 1B+ Read the conversation. What's your favorite subject My favorite subject is English. Who is your English teacher My English teacher is Ms. Zhou. Look at the timetable on Friday in Class 9. Friday Class 9 8:25-9:10 math 9:20-10:05 Chinese 10:35-11:20 history 11:30-12:15 English 12:15-14:35 lunch time 14:35-15:20 reading 15:30-16:15 Chinese hand-writing 16:25-17:10 biology 17:20-17:50 self-study What's your favorite subject My favorite subject is ...... Who is your ...... teacher My English teacher is ...... Look at the timetable on Friday in Class 8. Friday Class Eight 8:25-9:10 Chinese 9:20-10:05 math 10:35-11:20 English 11:30-12:15 politics 12:15-14:35 lunch time 14:35-15:20 self-study 15:30-16:15 reading 16:25-17:10 history 17:20-17:50 P.E. What's your favorite subject My favorite subject is ...... Who is your ...... teacher My English teacher is ...... My favorite 1C+ talk about your favorite. red blue yellow green white brown black purple What's your favorite color My favorite color is.... soccer tennis baseball volleyball basketball ping pong What's your favorite sport My favorite sport is.... bananas apples pears oranges strawberries carrots ice-cream bread rice chicken tomatoes ... ...

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