
Unit 1 Hello! Part B Let’s talk Let’s play 教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:45次 大小:22893Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Hello!教案B . Let’s talk & Let’s play 教学目标 1.知识目标:能听、说单词 name ,your; 2.熟练掌握句型 —What’s your name?—My name’s ...”;会用“Goodbye!”“Bye!”同他人道别。 3.能力目标:培养学生与他人用英语交流能力。4.情感目标:培养学生将文明礼貌用语渗透到实际生活中。 教学重点 掌握问答他人姓名的句型;会用道别用语。 教学难点 对于他人的询问“What’s your name?”能作出正确的回答。 教学准备图片、头饰、课件 教学过程 学教活动 批注 Step 1 Warm-up Greeting (1)师生之间打招呼(Say hello to the Ss) T: Hello, boys and girls! S: Hello/Hi, teacher! (1)教师播放歌曲Hello,老师和学生边唱边做打招呼动作。 (2)PPT呈现多个动画人物并伴有音频,学生做出回应。 -Hello, I’m ..... -Hi, I’m.. 日常打招呼,形成课堂口语交际习惯。复习上节课内容,为新课学习做铺垫 Step 2 Presentation & Practice (1)教师呈现本人图片和姓名 T: Who is she Yes, this is me. Hello! I’m Lucy. Ss: Hello/Hi, I’m... T: I can also say: My name’s Lucy.(name读音)What can you find S1:... S2: ...I can say “Hello/Hi, I’m _____.” I can also say “My name’s ...”拿出准备好的图片 T: I’m ... now, I can say: Hello, I’m Tutu. I can also say “My name’s Tutu” Practice: S1:Hello! I’m Guang Touqiang. S2: Hello! My name’s Guang Touqiang. S3:... S4: ... (2)教师呈现本人微信交友图片 T:Look!I have a new friend. We communicate from wechat. Then I ’ll lead in :What’s your name (your读音)板书 S:My name’s Mike.\I’m Mike.(Read) T:Mike has a new friend, too. Look! PPT 呈现 Mike和 Sarah的微信记录I’ll let the ss read it 3(3) Pair work A: Hello, my name’s ....\I’m ...... What’s your name B: My name’s ......After that I’ll choose some students to show their conversation. (奖励)Then let the students sum up the key sentences. Let’s talk (1)T: Boys and girls. Please look ! Mike has a new friend. What should he say Ss: Hi, I’m Mike, What’s your name T: This is 图片 John. How to answer S: My name’s John. Then let the students listen and repeat. (2) Listen! The bell is ringing. What should they say?The boys say, “Bye, Miss White.” Miss White says, “Goodbye!” (Bye和 Goodbye)Then let the students listen and repeat. (3)Watch and imitate (4)Good memory! (5)Role play. You can read it.会读(奖励) You can read it loudly and fluently. 声音洪亮,发音规范(奖励) You can act it out and read it loudly and fluently. 加上动作表演出来且发音规范(奖励) 通过教师自己的照片做自我介绍衔接导入到新知学习。利用微信交友聊天将本节知识进行学习,学生积极性高 在反复练习核心句型后引入本节课文,学生可以利用现有知识,将图片创编出句子。 Step 3 Consolidation & Extension 1. Let’s play I’ll choose 2 ss . S1 will choose a picture, S2 will ask: What’s your name S1 will answer My name’s ...according to his\her picture.(奖励) 2.Let’s sing a song .Then make a new song .(奖励) 3. Watch a cartoon <> Being polite is very important in our daily life 通过游戏和动画观看引入本节的情教育。 Step 4 Summary & Homework 1.Summary: What we have learned in this class 询问别人的姓名 -What’s your name -My name’s .../ I ... ...

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