ID: 20567011


日期:2024-10-08 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:79次 大小:21314B 来源:二一课件通
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2024年中考英语端午节英文阅读+语法填空+应用文写作 端午节吃什么? The Dragon Boat Festival is synonymous with eating Zongzi, which are glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves. They are traditionally filled with various ingredients such as red bean paste, egg yolk, or meat, and are a must-have during this festival. The custom of eating Zongzi is said to commemorate the ancient poet Qu Yuan.端午节是吃饺子的代名词,饺子是用竹叶包着的糯米。传统上,它们充满了各种食材,如红豆酱、蛋黄或肉,这些都是这个节日的必备品。据说,吃饺子子的习俗是为了纪念古代诗人屈原。 端午节喝什么? Drinking on the Dragon Boat Festival:A special drink associated with this festival is Realgar Wine, also known as "Xiong Huang Wine" in Chinese. It is a yellowish wine infused with realgar, a yellow-orange arsenic sulfide mineral, believed to have medicinal properties and to ward off evil spirits and diseases.在端午节饮酒:与端午节相关的一种特殊饮料是红加酒,在中文中也被称为“熊黄酒”。它是一种含有雄黄的黄色葡萄酒,一种黄橙色的硫化砷矿物,被认为具有药用特性,可以抵御恶灵和疾病。 端午节玩什么? Playing on the Dragon Boat Festival:The highlight of the Dragon Boat Festival is the Dragon Boat Race. Teams of rowers compete in long, narrow, and elaborately decorated boats shaped like dragons. The races are not only a sport but also a way to remember Qu Yuan and to celebrate the community spirit.在端午节比赛:端午节的亮点是龙舟赛。赛艇手用长、窄、精心装饰的像龙的船比赛。这些比赛不仅是一项运动,也是纪念屈原和庆祝社区精神的一种方式。 端午节戴什么? Wearing on the Dragon Boat Festival:During the festival, people often wear perfume pouches or sachets filled with fragrant herbs and spices. These sachets, known as "Xiang Nang" in Chinese, are believed to protect against diseases and bad luck.在端午节的穿着:在端午节期间,人们经常佩戴香水袋或装满芳香的香草和香料的这些香包在中文中被称为“香港”,被认为可以预防疾病和坏运。 端午节挂什么? Hanging on the Dragon Boat Festival:Families hang various decorations such as calamus and mugwort leaves on their doors and windows. These plants are thought to have protective powers against evil spirits and to bring good health and fortune.挂在端午节:家庭在门窗上挂着各种装饰品,如菖蒲叶和。这些植物被认为具有抵御邪恶灵魂的能力,并能带来健康和财富。 节日寄语 Enjoying the Dragon Boat Festival is about more than just the food and activities; it's about embracing the rich cultural heritage and traditions that come with it. Whether you're partaking in the excitement of a dragon boat race or simply enjoying the flavors of Zongzi, the festival offers a unique and memorable experience.享受端午节不仅仅是关于食物和活动;它是关于拥抱随之而来的丰富的文化遗产和传统。无论你是在参加令人兴奋的赛龙舟赛,还是仅仅是享受包饺子的味道,这个节日都提供了一个独特而难忘的体验。 端午节的语法填空 Enjoying the Dragon Boat Festival The Dragon Boat Festival is synonymous with eating Zongzi, which are glutinous rice dumplings 1._____(wrap) in bamboo leaves. They are traditionally filled ... ...

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