
Unit 5 My clothes Part B Let's learn 课件(共14张PPT)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:59次 大小:6447525Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 My clothes PartB Let's learn Sharp eyes Our friends are going on a trip today. going on a trip 去旅行 Hainan 34 ℃ I want to wear my... want to 想 穿 A: Where are the shorts B: They're _____. on the bed A: What colour are the shorts B: They're _____. blue I want to wear my... want to 想 穿 A: Where are the socks B: They're _____. on the floor Beijing 16℃ A: What colour are the socks B: They're _____. socks white I want to wear my... want to 想 穿 Beijing 16℃ A: Where is the ... B: It's ... A: What colour is the ... B: It's... shirt sweater jacket 区别: coat 泛指各种外套 jackat 特指夹克型外套 A: Is this a jacket B: No,it isn't. It's a coat. jacket Let's learn 知识讲解 It’s/They’re + 表示颜色的形容词 单数用is 复数用are 1.如何询问颜色 2.拓展点 socks(短袜), shorts(短裤), shoes(鞋), pants(裤子)等在生活中都是成双成对出现的,因此, 在英语中它们通常要用复数形式。 socks jacket sweater shorts shirt coat 大声朗读 Match 配对 A: Where is/are the ... B:It's /They‘re .... A: What colour is/are the ... B: It's/They're ... Parirwork Thank you!

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