
Unit 4 Don't eat in class. 单元卷(含解析及音频,无听力原文) 2023-2024学年人教版七年级英语下册

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:10次 大小:2855171Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 4 Don't eat in class 单元卷 2023-2024学年人教版七年级英语下册 一、听力选择 1. A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By train. 2.Where is Alice from A.England. B.China. C.America. 3.When is the boy’s geography lesson A.At 10:30 B.At 8:00 C.At 6:30 4.Where do Li Ming's parents work A.On a farm. B.In a restaurant. C.In a hospital. 5.When can the boy watch TV A.On Monday. B.On Friday. C.On Sunday. 6. A.Yes, I am. B.I can. C.No, I can’t. 7. A.No, I don't like them. B.Sorry, I can't. C.That sounds good. 8. A.Good luck! B.Good job! C.Good idea! 9. A.Not at all. B.No, I wouldn't. C.Yes, I would. 10. A.Yes, you are. B.No, you can’t. C.It’s not mine. 听对话,完成下列各小题。 11.What are they talking about A.Family rules. B.The classmates. C.School rules. 12.What is new A.Lucy’s school’s dining hall. B.Tom’s school’s dining hall. C.Lucy’s school’s hallway. 听下面一段对话,回答下列两个小题。 13.What can Susan do in the library A.Eat quietly. B.Drink water. C.Read books. 14.How many weeks can she keep the book A.2. B.3. C.5. 15.What do the students think of their uniforms A.Ugly. B.Cool. C.Nice. 16.Can the students wear their own clothes at school A.Yes, they can. B.No, they can’t. C.They can’t wear them. 17.Who don’t likes studying in groups A.The students. B.The teachers. C.The parents. 18.What does the speaker want to be when she is older A.A doctor. B.A teacher. C.A policeman. 19.What did the speaker do last week A.She told some funny jokes. B.She went to visit her teacher. C.She helped teach the children. 二、阅读理解 There are lots of rules at Tom’s school. 20 For example, they can't arrive late; they can’t run in the hallways; and they can’t eat in class. All these rules are okay because they are reasonable (合理的). 21 For example, at his school they have to wear a uniform and they can’t wear jeans. But he thinks jeans are good because they’re comfortable (舒服的). 22 Tom doesn’t agree with this rule. He thinks listening to music in art class is OK. 23 For example, if he wants to watch TV, he has to do his homework first. And he can’t go out with his friends on school nights, that is, from Monday to Friday. He also has to clean his room every week. 24 A.In school, they can’t listen to music in art class. B.But he doesn’t have to take out the trash (垃圾). C.Tom has to get up at six. D.He thinks some of them are good. E.Tom also has to follow some rules at home. F.He has to eat in the dining hall. G.But there are some rules Tom doesn’t like. Good morning, everyone! Welcome to our school. Now you are students of a middle school. All the things here are new. The life here is a little different. I think you must know what you can do and what you can’t do. It can help you study well and live happily. Here are some rules of our school. You have to come to school from Monday to Friday. You will learn some important subjects, such as Chinese, math, English and sci ... ...

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