

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:64次 大小:53644Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中考英语高频动词词组 一、动词固定搭配 1.agree ① agree with“同意”,后接表示人的名词或代词,也可以接表示“意见,看法”的名词 [例1]We all agree with him.我们都同意他的意见。 [例2]Do you agree with my ideas 你同意我的观点吗 ② agree to“同意”,后面接表示“计划,建议,安排”等的名词,接动词原形时构成动词不定式结构 [例1]He agreed to our plan at last.最后他同意了我们的计划。 [例2]They agreed to come on Monday.他们同意星期一来。 ③ agree on“(两人以上)就…取得一致意见,在…方面意见一致” → 其主语多为复数形式,宾语是表示事、计划等的名词,而不是表示人的名词或代词 → 可以与agree in doing sth替换。 表示经过协商,讨论或谈判而就某事双方取得了一致意见用on. [例]They agreed on the plan.=They agreed in doing the plan.他们对这个计划意见一致。 ④ agree about sth.涉及讨论的题目 [例]They never agree about politics.他们在政治问题上从不达成一致。 2.break ① break away(from)逃走、逃脱 [例]The robbery suspect broke away from the lockup.抢劫嫌疑犯从拘留所逃脱了。 ② break down vi(机器)损坏、抛锚;vt/vi 破坏、拆散、 毁坏,把(整体)分解,打破 [例1]The truck broke down halfway to the destination.汽车在到达目的地的中途抛锚。 [例2]Her health broke down under the pressure of work.她的健康在工作压力下垮了。 ③ break up破坏;解散;分裂;结束 [例]After midnight, the party broke up.午夜过后,聚会散场了。 ④ break into 破门而入 [例]The thief broke into the house and took away the TV set.小偷破门而入偷走了电视机。 ⑤ break in打断 [例]Don't break in when we are talking.我们谈话时别打断我们。 ⑥ break out 爆发;发生 [例]The Second World War broke out in September 1939.第二次世界大战于1939年9月爆发。 3.bring ① bring about 带来;导致;生产;制造 [例]His carelessness brought about the accident.他的粗心导致了这次意外事故的发生。 ② bring down 使…下降;倒下;击落 [例]It is a good opportunity for us to bring down our opponents.这是我们打倒对手的好机会。 ③ bring up 抚养长大 [例]Joe was born in Texas but brought up in Oklahoma. ④ bring in 产生(利润、进息、收入) [例]The sale brought us in over $1000.那笔买卖使我们赚了一千多美元 ⑤ bring forward 提出;把…提早 [例]Please bring forward the matter at the next meeting.请在下次会议上提出这件事。 ⑥ bring out 显示;表现出;出版 [例]The publishing company will bring out a good book in the near future.这家出版公司将在不久的将来出版一本好书。 4.care ① care about 在乎、介意;对…感兴趣 [例1]He does not care about his clothes.他对穿衣服不在乎 [例2]I don't care about it.我对此不感兴趣 ② care for 照顾;喜欢(常用于否定句) [例1]Who will care for him if his wife dies 假若他妻子死了,谁来照顾他 [例2]He doesn't care much for music.他不大喜欢音乐。 ③ care to do sth.愿意;喜欢;想要 [例]I don't care to play basketball.我不喜欢打篮球。 ④ care+从句 在乎;在意 (用于否定句或疑问句,偶尔也用于肯定句) [例]I really care whether we win or lose.我们是输是赢我真的很在乎。 5.come ① come about 发生;(风等)改变方向 [例1]How did the new idea come about 这个新主意是怎么产生的? [例2]This has not come about overnight.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。 ② come across (无意中 ... ...

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