
人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级英语Unit1----Unit6 检测模拟题(含答案)

日期:2024-09-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:38次 大小:41758Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版九年级上册英语阶段性模拟题 第一卷 40分 一、单选 (共25分) _____do you study for a test I study _____working _____a group. A. What; by; in B. How ; by; with C. What; on; with D.how; on ;with --Bob, I don’t have a partner to practice_____. Would you like to be my partner --Sure, let’s do it together. A. Speak English B. Speaking English C. Speak English with D.speaking English with _____the new words _____the dictionary is a good way _____your English. Look up; in; to improve B.looking up ; from; of improve C. Looking up; in; to improve D. Write down;in; of improving Keep on, don’t stop._____you climb, _____you will see. The highest; the farthest B. The more highly ; the farther C. The high; the far D.the higher; the farther Although some students are not always doing homework_____, our teachers are _____with them. enough careful ;enough patient B. careful enough; patient enough C. carefully enough; patient enough D. carefully enough; enough patient Most young people find ____exciting _____a football match. A.it; watching B.it ;to watch C. its ;to watch D.its ;watching They are afraid _____mistakes_____written English. A. to make; for B. of making; with C. to make ;in D.of making ;for There are _____many kinds of pens here. I can’t decide_____. so; what to choose B.such; to choose which C. so; which to choose D.such; what to choose _____delicious food my mom cooks! It _____good. A.what ;tastes B.how; tastes C.what ;sounds D.how ;looks I am new in this class. I can’t tell _____the teacher like me or not. A. that B.if C.whether D.where Could you tell me _____ OK, but I ‘m not sure. what will people do on Halloween B.when is Thanksgiving Day C.how people there celebrate their festivals D.what time will the race starts _____passes here would stop _____the beautiful waterfall. whatever; to admire B.whoever ;to admire C.whoever; admiring . D.whatever; admiring After her husband’s death, she_____out all his clothes in the room and refused _____anybody. A.lied;meeting B.lay;to meet C.laid; meeting D.laid; to meet She likes visiting the place_____Shangri-la, but her husband is very _____about money. A.is named; mean B.named; meaning C.named ;mean D.is named ;meaning I will never forget my old friend Jack. _____did he make a promise, he kept it. A.both ;and B.either; or C.neither; nor D.bot only; but also After_____home, my mother often warned me_____computer games for long. A.got; don’t play B.getting; not to play C.got; not to play D.getting; not play I wonder _____the Water Festival in Hong Kong is similar _____that of the Dai people in Yunnan. A.that; to B.that; with C.if ;to D.whether; with _____the Spring Festival is! A.what fun B.how fun C.what a fun D.how a fun On the beach, there’s always something _____. A.happen B.happens C.to happen D.happening Jim didn’t tell me when he _____. I’ll let you know as soon as he ____. would arrive ;arrives B.would arrive; will arrive C.arrived; arrives D.arrived; will arrive I wonder when you _____in ... ...

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