ID: 20594540

Unit8 Pets Reading(1)教案2023-2024学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册

日期:2025-03-29 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:90次 大小:18567B 来源:二一课件通
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七年级(下)英语Unit 8 Pets Reading (1) A Poems about Pets教学设计 _____ I. Teaching Objectives 1. Knowledge and Skills: ① Students will be able to identify and use vocabulary related to pets in the poem. ② Students will understand the content and structure of the poem. 2. Ability Objectives: ① Students will develop reading comprehension skills by analyzing the poem. ② Students will improve their speaking skills by discussing their favorite pets and sharing opinions. 3. Emotional Objectives: ① Students will develop a deeper appreciation for pets and their unique qualities. ② Students will enhance their observation and imagination skills through the appreciation of poetry. II. Teaching Focus ① Understanding the poem's vocabulary and content. ② Reading and interpreting the poem's message. III. Teaching Difficulties ① Grasping the deeper meaning of the poem. ② Expressing personal feelings and thoughts about pets. _____ IV. Teaching Process Step 1 Lead-in ① Show pictures of different pets and ask students to talk about their favorite pets and their characteristics. ② Ask: "What do pets bring to our lives " Step 2 Presentation ① Introduce the title of the poem, "A Poems about Pets," and briefly discuss the theme. ② Read the poem aloud to the class, emphasizing the rhythm and rhyme. ③ Explain new vocabulary and phrases to help students understand the poem. Step 3 Text Analysis ① Break the poem into sections and explain the main ideas and deeper meanings of each section. ② Encourage students to discuss in groups the emotions and themes expressed in the poem. Step 4Reading and Imitation ① Have students follow the teacher's reading, paying attention to pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm. ② Encourage students to imitate the reading and try to memorize the poem. Step 5 Extension Activity ① Ask students to choose their favorite pet and create a short poem about it. ② Have students share their poems and provide feedback to each other. Step 6 Class Closure ① Summarize the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the difficulties and important points. ② Assign homework: Ask students to memorize the poem and prepare for a discussion on pet topics for the next class. _____ V. Blackboard Design Unit8 Reading (1) A poems about pets New words and phrases poem, wide, hide, build, camp, stick, trouble, touch run after a ball, with eyes open wide, till the end, need a gentle touch, look around for, take care of, Important sentences: He does wonderful tricks. Builds me camps out of sticks. He’d never bark or bite. She isn’t any trouble. _____ VI. Post-class Reflection Students showed enthusiasm in reading and imitating the poem, but some struggled with grasping the deeper meaning. More discussion and examples may be needed in future classes. The extension activity was successful, with many students displaying creativity in their pet poems. However, some poems lacked depth and complexity. Encouraging students to express more emotions and details ... ...

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