
人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 5 The Value of Money Reading and Thinking课件(共26张PPT,内镶嵌视频)

日期:2024-07-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:82次 大小:28209791Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 The Value of Money Reading and Thinking save them use them up donate buy a big house run a business spend them on food clothing toys share with friends trip do some science research help others Lead-in What would you do if you had a million-pound bank note The Million Pound Bank Note 1,000,000 pounds! Victorian era (1819-1901) 1 bike≈ 5 pounds 1 student’s yearly tuition in college ≈_____ pounds A man with a wife lives a rich life in a year ≈____ pounds 100 300 Mark Twain 1835-1910 ▲The Father of American Literature Do you know any works of him Pre-reading Mark Twain 1835-1910 ▲The Father of American Literature Do you know his writing style Pre-reading The Million Pound Bank Note The play The 1,000,000 Bank-Note A drama or play intends to portray (v.描述) life or people or to tell a story usually involving conflicts (n.矛盾) and emotions through action and dialogue. It is typically designed for theatrical (a.戏剧的) performance. It has a title of play, act, scene, narration, characters, stage directions and lines of dialogue. What are the basic elements of a play While-reading title of play 剧本题目 A play usually consists of several acts. Each act can have several scenes. Stage directions (舞台说明) act 幕 scene 场次 characters 人物 narration 旁白 lines of dialogue 对话 stage directions 舞台说明 (括号里斜体部分) 1.When and where did this story happen Around 12 o'clock in London, the brothers’ house. 2.Who are the characters in this scene Oliver Roderick Henry Servant While-reading Summarize the main idea in your own words. Act1, Scene 3 End Climax Beginning Process Read for plot While-reading Sum up the main idea Two _____made _____ and found _____ a perfect person for the bet. wealthy brothers a bet Henry What’s the bet Why did they choose Henry Fast reading Oliver who believes a man could live a month in London with _____ Roderick who _____ the idea. Henry, an _____ who _____in Britain ____ accident a million pound bank note doubts American landed by How did that happen to Henry wealthy brothers made a bet on Henry What information did the two rich brothers ask Henry name hometown work money plans Why could Henry be chosen for the bet Fast reading Why could Henry be chosen Activity 4 Read for reasons on the basis of the lines. 2. A right moment 1. Henry’s personal background ( foreigner, in a poor situation, without aim, without job, young, without money) hard-working, 2. They see a poor young man walking outside their house. 1. Roderick:You're an American 3. Henry: Well, I can’t say that I have any plans. As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident. without help Henry: Yes. I went to the American consulate to seek help, but... Anyway, I didn't dare to try again. Roderick: Well, you mustn't worry about that. It’s an advantage. Henry: I worked for a mining company. Could you offer me work here Roderick: Patience. If you don't mind, may I ask you how ... ...

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