

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:19次 大小:88978Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年河南中考英语语篇填空专项冲刺篇 语篇填空一 when on ask animal one however large foot spread she Do you know the meaning of “loumajiao” in Chinese In the past, women with small 1 were believed to be more beautiful. So for a long time, young girls would be 2 to painfully bind (捆绑) their feet to prevent them from getting bigger. But the young Ma, wife of Zhu Yuanzhang, the 3 emperor of the Ming Dynasty, liked to practice martial arts (武术). She refused to bind her feet, so her feet grew 4 than other women’s feet. After she became the empress (皇后), Ma hid 5 feet by wearing long gowns (长袍). One day, 6 she walked on a busy street, a strong wind blew her gown up. It happened so suddenly that she was not able to hide her feet in time. Many people saw her feet and 7 the words “loumajiao” quickly across the country. “Loumajiao” may also have actually come from a kind of ancient celebration. The fictional (虚构的) character “qilin” is surely a magic 8 that stands for good luck. In ancient times, people would paint a “qilin skin” on a large piece of cloth and put it 9 a horse so that the horse would look like a “qilin”. 10 , the horse’s feet were hard to cover up and could easily be seen. Gradually, “loumajiao” came to mean “uncovering a secret”. In English, the idiom “let the cat out of the bag” has the same meaning. 参考答案:1.feet 2. asked 3. first 4. larger 5. her 6. when 7. spread 8. animal 9. on 10. However 语篇填空二 with, clean, middle, before, chopstick, hot, wait, drink, they, meat Foreigners joining a Chinese dinner party should know and follow Chinese table manners. Before dinner you sometimes get a hot, wet cloth, with which you can 1 your face and hands. It is a custom in China. 2 the meal is served, people can have some tea or other drinks. First, some cold dishes are provided, which are placed on a round glass plate in the 3 of the table. Rice or dumplings are served and should not be mixed 4 other food. Chinese people like using 5 instead of forks and knives. It is allowed to use your hands when eating 6 on bones. When the soup arrives at the end of the meal, a fork is used. If the soup is very 7 , foreigners like blowing to cool it. In China, it is better to 8 a little while. At a dinner party Chinese people enjoy 9 beer or spirits (白酒). Besides, Chinese people usually make a toast when they get together with 10 families and friends. For a toast everybody stands up, raises their glasses and touches the others’ glasses, saying “ganbei”! 参考答案:1. clean 2. Before 3.middle 4. with 5. chopsticks 6.meat 7. hot 8. wait 9.drinking 10. their 语篇填空三 popular one much thousand be invent raise we notice leaf Do you raise silkworms these days For 1 of years, people in China have been watching the wonderful life of silkworms.It is said that the silkworm’s silk was 2 by Leizu, the wife of the Yellow Emperor. The idea 3 came to Leizu when she was having tea under the tree. One day, a cocoon suddenly fell into h ... ...

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