

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:73次 大小:271683Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    问题解决技能的重要性 一、阅读理解 1 It’s Good to Ask for Help Part of growing up is learning how to work things out for yourself. However, you don’t have to struggle alone all the time. Learning how to ask others to lend a hand is also an important life skill. When you might need help There are lots of reasons why you could need help, for example, with schoolwork, learning a new skill, or when you feel sad, worried or angry. When you find something difficult, or it takes a long time to make progress (进步), you may feel frustrated. This can also make you feel like you can’t do it. These are all signs (征兆) that you need help. Asking for help will move you forward more quickly than trying on your own. Asking for help isn’t always easy. You might feel red-faced that you need help, or you think asking for a helping hand is a sign of weakness. These thoughts make it hard for you to turn to another person. Angela McMillan, a counsellor ( 顾 问) who advises young people, says asking for help can also feel risky, especially when you are not sure who to ask. “You might feel afraid that they don’t have time, or they won’t take your problem seriously.” Asking for help is brave Everyone finds things difficult sometimes—you’re not the only one. McMillan believes asking for help is an act of bravery. “Letting someone in, believing in them and asking them to listen to you and help you solve a problem takes great courage (勇气).” Asking for help is good for you When you ask for help, it makes you less worried, and it usually produces a better result. There are other benefits too. By asking for help, you practice speaking up for yourself and saying what you need. It shows you how someone else might feel when they’re struggling, which means you could be more able to offer a hand when someone needs it. Noah, aged 11, shared his story. “At school our teacher asked us to write a passage in the third person to describe moving to another country. I found this hard and asked my teacher for some adjectives (形容词) to get me started. At the end I thought it was one of my best pieces of work, so I was really pleased that I had asked for help!” 1. The word “frustrated” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to . A. peaceful B. discouraged C. uninterested D. confident 2. Which of the following would be the best heading for Paragraph 3 A. How you can ask for help B. Who you should ask for help C. Why you need to ask for help D. What stops you asking for help 3. The writer probably agrees that . A. brave people are less likely to ask for help B. asking for help shows you need to improve your ability C. asking for help can make you more willing to help others D. people should be careful of the risks when asking for help 2 These days, students often have a lot of worries. Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends. Worries usually cause ( 导 致) health problems. What can they do with worries Some people believe the wors ... ...

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