
2024年上海市中考九年级英语口试快速应答 2

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:88次 大小:20620Byte 来源:二一课件通
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九年级英语听说情景问答 2 Congratulations! You have won the first prize. -- Thank you very much ! Going to bed early is good for our health. --I agree with you./ I couldn’t agree more. Do you like eating sweet rice dumplings or salty ones -- Sweet ones/ Salty ones. Would you mind turning down the TV -- Not at all./ Of course not./ Certainly not. What a nice day! Let’s go out to play tennis. -- That’s a good idea./ Ok, Let’s go. Would you please open the window a little It is hot here. -- Yes, I will./ No problem. My aunt will take me to Europe for vacation next month. -- Have a good journey./ Enjoy your stay there./ I hope you will enjoy your vacation. It’s very kind of you to take care of my pet while I am away.-- It’s my pleasure. I missed the lecture this morning because of the traffic jam.-- What a pity! / What a shame. I feel so nervous about the English competition tomorrow. -- Take it easy./ Don’t worry./ Believe in yourself. Would you like to go for a walk -- Yes, I’d like to. / Sorry, I am really busy now. Do you want to go to the movies .-- Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I don’t like classical music. -- I don’t like either. / Neither do I. He failed to pass the final exam. -- What a pity!/ Sorry to hear that. Please give my best wishes to your parents . -- Thank you very much ! I will/. Thanks a lot, I will. We will have a party on Saturday night. Would you like to come -- I’d like to, but I don’t have time./ Certainly. Would you like some coffee or tea -- I’d like some coffee./ I’d like some tea./ Coffee, please. I am very sorry for being late..-- That’s all right. /Never mind. /It doesn’t matter. I will have a speech contest tomorrow. -- You will be the winner!/ Take it easy./ Believe in yourself! / Good luck! I think teenagers should be allowed to do part -time jobs. -- I agree with you./ I don’t think so. Would you like to give me a hand -- Yes, I’d love to./ Ok. / Sure. Do I have to finish my homework today -- Yes, you do./ No, you don’t. May I look at you new watch -- Yes, of course. Which season do you like best -- My favorite season is summer. Why does she leave so early -- She leaves early in order to catch the early bus. I am afraid I can’t pass the exam tomorrow. -- Don’t worry./ Just do your best. Do you enjoy reading novels or poems -- Novels./ Poems. May I borrow your ruler -- Ok./ Yes, you may./ Here you are. Merry Christmas! -- Merry Christmas! The apple pie is wonderful. -- I am glad you like it. Can you pass the salt to me .-- Ok./ Sure./ Here you are. Wish you good luck! -- Thank you very much. I have just made a beautiful kite. -- Good job./ Wonderful./ Great! Why do some people like travelling by plane -- Because it’s quicker. I like playing the violin.-- Me too./ I like playing it too. Let us play baseball now. -- All right./ That’s a good idea. Happy birthday! -- Thank you very much. Can we go to the town by train -- No, we will go there by car. Don’t watch TV while reading . -- Ok./ All right. ... ...

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