

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:82次 大小:35310Byte 来源:二一课件通
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词汇单选60题(2024年江苏省中考英语一模二模三模名校真题) 1.(2024·江苏宿迁·一模)—Nowadays some people eat more than needed._____, they’re getting heavier and easier to get sick. —To become healthier, they should control themselves and exercise more. A.In fact B.What’s more C.Even though D.As a result 2.(2024·江苏宿迁·一模)—Kimmy, never throw any object from the building. Even a small object _____ cause serious injuries, or death, when dropped from a great height. —OK, I won’t do that, mum. A.should B.must C.may D.need 3.(2024·江苏宿迁·一模)—How was your May Day holiday this year —It’s hard to say. We drove to Hangzhou and tried to find a place for parking, but they were all _____. A.taken up B.put up C.turned up D.stayed up 4.(2024·江苏宿迁·一模)China successfully launched the Chang’e-6 spacecraft _____ the evening _____ May 3, 2024 at the Wenchang Space Launch Site to retrieve samples from moon’s far side. A.at; on B.on; on C.on; of D.at; of 5.(2024·江苏宿迁·一模)On May Day holiday, I had a terrible experience because of the heavy _____. I was trapped for 13 hours on the highway! A.tradition B.traffic C.trouble D.treasure 6.(2024·江苏宿迁·三模)—Ye Guangfu is an astronaut carrying out China’s Shenzhou-18 spaceship mission. —How excellent! He must have some _____ over others. A.advertisements B.advantages C.addresses D.attention 7.(2024·江苏南京·二模)—What’s wrong You look blue. —The news that our team lost the match puts me in a difficult _____. A.conclusion B.tradition C.attraction D.situation 8.(2024·江苏南京·二模)Most people usually can’t understand parents’ love _____ they have their own children. A.if B.since C.until D.because 9.(2024·江苏南京·二模)—If you remember anything, please contact _____. Thanks for your support. —Of course I will. A.we B.us C.our D.ours 10.(2024·江苏南京·二模)The little white cat looks so _____ that the child can’t wait to keep it. A.lovely B.creative C.careless D.generous 11.(2024·江苏连云港·二模)The Chinese language has become a bridge _____ China _____ the rest of the world. A.discussing; with B.translated; into C.connecting; to D.separated; into 12.(2024·江苏南京·二模)Volunteering allows volunteers to meet new people, try out new things and _____ career choices. A.explore B.require C.miss D.control 13.(2024·江苏泰州·三模)Lucy had few close friends at school, so she didn’t know _____ about the trouble. A.who to talk B.who to talk to C.who to say D.what to talk 14.(2024·江苏扬州·二模)Nancy is active and energetic, so she chooses a _____ position in a company instead of a comfortable job. A.boring B.basic C.challenging D.common 15.(2024·江苏扬州·二模)—What place will you suggest if I travel to your hometown —The best-known Slender West Lake comes _____ as the first choice. A.patiently B.hardly C.naturally D.strangely 16.(2024·江苏扬州·二模)Protect your ... ...

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