

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:12次 大小:18372Byte 来源:二一课件通
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二八二英语写作方法(总-分-总) 开头2-3句:一句点题(题目中已给出的翻译提示);;一句乐意分享(I’m glad to share my ideas with you.) 主体8-10句: 记叙文:事情的起因,经过,结果 说明文:描述事物或解释原因的三个方面,用上序数词First/Next/Finally等; 议论文:论点1 First of all;论点2 What’s more;论点3 In the end. 结尾2句:一句点题;一句祝愿 记叙文 记叙文要求考生描述个人经历和感受,一般包括who when where what why how。谁何时何地发生了什么事,事情的起因、经过和结果,以及你的感受和对你的影响。 第一段:点明主题(引出要介绍的人或事) 句型: Looking back at the past three years, I have made great progress in my study. There are a lot of unforgettable experiences in my memory when I was in junior high school. 第二段:描述事件(起因、经过和结果) 起因: I found it hard/not easy for me to do sth. I have trouble in doing sth. 经过: take part in Take one’s advice spend...doing sth. 结果: With one’s help, I have made great progress in... In the end, I came up with good ideas to solve the problem of... 第三段:表达感受(你的感受和对你产生的积极的影响) I am proud of myself because... I have learned a lesson from... ...have a great influence on me 说明文 类别1 做法建议 第一段:点明主题(具体的事情) It’s important for us to do sth. But how Here are some useful suggestions. 第二段:分点陈述 Firstly/Secondly/Finally First of all/What’s more/Then/Last but not least(In the end) 第三段:再次点题(表达期待,希望建议有用) I hope my advice above will be helpful to you. Only in these ways can we live a better and healthier life. In a word, as long as we..., we will do sth. 类别2 计划安排 第一段:点明具体活动 1.We are going on a trip to ... Here is a trip plan. 第二段:活动安排(时间、地点、内容和目的) Our school will hold ... on/in/at+时间/地点 We are going to have a lots of activities, for example... 第三段:表达希望 I am sure I will have a meaningful school trip. In a word, I hope all of us could enjoy a happy and meaningful holiday/weekend. 类别3 事物(地点)介绍 第一段:说明要介绍的事物/地点是什么 As we all know,...is necessary in our daily life. I’d love to share my favorite...with you. 第二段:介绍该事物和背后的意义 It always remind me of ... 第三段:再次点明主题 All in all, ... is really of great importance to me. It brings me a more meaningful and colorful life. 议论文 第一段:提出观点(观点是什么) Different people have different opinions about... Some people think... But others hold the view that... In my opinion, it’s important/necessary/helpful to do sth. As far as I’m concerned, students should be allowed to have pocket money. ...plays an important role in... 第二段:论证观点 Firstly/Secondly/Finally First of all/What’s more/Then/Last but not least(In the end) 第三段:重申观点 In a word, ... is helpful/meaningful to us. All in all, it’s our duty to do sth. Let’s take action now. 英语写作两步走 Step 1 审题 审文体(记叙文、议论文、说明文、应用文)/审人称/审时态/审内容 审题时画好思维导图,提前规划作文篇幅。 Step 2 句子升格 主语形式多样,例如可用动 ... ...

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