
浙江省温州市瓯海外国语集团校2023学年第二学期九年级学业水平检测 英语模拟试题(A)(含答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:38次 大小:182337Byte 来源:二一课件通
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温州市瓯海外国语集团校2023学年第二学期九年级学业水平检测 英语模拟试题(A) 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、阅读理解 Nowadays, natural disasters (灾害) happen from time to time around us, such as earthquake, wildfire and typhoon. It’s necessary to learn to keep yourself out of danger. May 12th is Earthquake Preparedness and Disaster Mitigation Day. Let’s discuss something about self-rescue (自救) measures in an earthquake. Here are some tips for you! Tip 1: Open the door first. When the earthquake happens, the wooden structure of the house is easy to tilt (倾斜). The door can not be opened and then people may lose their lives. Tip 2: Hide under a table or a desk. It’s better to have a hard board to protect yourself physically. Tip 3: Stay away from windows and heavy furniture. They may fall down in the event of a major earthquake. Tip 4: Protect your head. Use something soft to cover your head in case of emergency. Tip 5: Stay physically fit and wait for rescue calmly. Be brave! Tip 6: Leave the building as quickly as possible when the ground stops shaking. Don’t use the lift. 1.The text is probably from the column (栏目) of _____ on a website. A.News B.Safety C.Travel D.Culture 2.The best title for the text above is _____. A.How to Save Yourself in an Earthquake B.What is the Most Dangerous Natural Disaster C.Where to Go When an Earthquake Happens D.Why Should We Learn Self-rescue Measures 3.Which of the following can be the best picture to match Tip 3 A.B. C. D. The first marathon (马拉松) of the modern Olympic Games took place in 1896. Now marathon is a popular sport across China. On April 26, more than 300,000 runners took part in 26 marathon events nationwide, reported China Daily. Teenagers have also taken part in marathons actively. Xu Qian, a 15-year-old boy from Saqian, Jiangsu, loves running. He took first place in the 5-kilometer Happy Run of the Jingdong Suqian Marathon on April 2. For Xu, the race meant months of training and preparation. He ran about 30 to 40 kilometers each week ahead of the run. “The 800-meter run at school is more about speed while a marathon tests a runner’s endurance and psychological quality (心理素质)”, he said. When he felt tired during the race, he told himself to fight on. As well as one’s fighting spirit, kindness from the people also plays a part in helping runners get to the finish line. Li Zhouzi from Shanxi took part in a 3-kilometer Kid Run of the Berlin Marathon in Germany in 2019 when she was 10. The support from the people cheering along the course (跑道) really encouraged her. “When things were hard, they cheered me on. The simple words ‘keep it up’ meant a lot to me and I was encouraged to keep going to the end,’ Li said. 4.Why did Xu Qian run 30 to 40 kilometers each week ahead of the run A.He wanted to help more runners. B.He trained in preparation for the race. C.His father wanted him to do so. 5.Which of the following best explains the underline ... ...

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