

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:23次 大小:1958485Byte 来源:二一课件通
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原创广东中考英语猜押卷 免责声明:中考是不会出现泄题的,如果出现同主题,同类型,甚至同内容的题目,纯属巧合 一、语法选择 Birds are building their nests (巢) 1 rubbish, said a new study. 2 rubbish includes cigarette butts(烟头)and plastic bags.(塑料袋) A group of European scientists looked into about 35,000 studies on bird nests. They found that birds have used man-made things in nests almost everywhere on Earth. Some rubbish seems to be helpful. This is 3 birds "like" putting it in their nests. For example,cigarette butts have 4 chemicals(化学物质),so they can keep insects away and protect the their children.Plastic bags are useful in 5 the animals warm, and 6 hard things, such as paper cards, can make nests stronger. However, in the end, human rubbish may only bring 7 harm to birds. The birds 8 by the harmful chemicals in cigarettes . They may ill or have shorter lives. Using rubbish to make nets,___9__ bad thing to the bird it is! If the cigarette still burns when the bird brings it back to its home, it may set fire to the nest. Pieces of fishing net may also trap(缠住)birds,and it's impossible for them to get out by 10 . Our friends in the air are feeling the bad effects(影响)of humans polluting the environment. A.in B.on C.with A.a B.an C.the A.what B.why C.how A.any B.some C.every A.keep B.keeping C.to keep A.other B.another C.the others A.more B.much C.many A.is hurt B.was hurt C.is hurting A.What B.What a C.How A.them B.they C.themselves 二、完形填空 A rich man lived in a small town.He was very 1 ,but his son had started hanging out with a bad crowd.The father tried to warn his son about this,but his son wouldn't 2 . One day,an old wise man came to the town.The father went to the wise man to ask for 3 .After thinking for a while.the wise man replied,“Send your son to me tomorrow morning.I will talk to him." The next morning,the father sent his son over.The wise man asked the son to 4 a rose from his garden and said,"Smell it and feel its fragrance(芬芳)."The boy did so.Then the wise man showed the son a sack(麻袋) of wheat(小麦) and said,"Put the rose 5 the sack."The boy followed what he said. After an hour,the wise man asked the boy to smell the rose again."How does it smell now?"the wise man asked the boy.The boy smelled the rose and said,“It smells just as 6 as before."Then the wise man said,"Hmm!Now put the rose beside this sack of sugar."The boy did so. The wise man asked the boy to smell the rose again."Does it smell any different?"the wise man asked the boy. After smelling, " No,it doesn’t smells 8 than before. It is same!"the boy replied 9 .Then the wise man said,"You should be like this rose-be "fragrant"to everyone you meet. Don't let“bad smells"affect how you act. The boy understood the old man's 10 .From that day on,he was honest and kind just like his father. A.clever B.confident C.nervous D.kind A.understand B.listen C.share D.pass A.time B.advice C.rose D.wheat A.pick B.buy C.search D.hide A.keep to ... ...

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