ID: 20623389

Unit 2 What time do you go to school?Section B 2a-2c 课件 (共22张PPT,含内嵌音频) 2023-2024学年人教版七年级英语下册

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:18次 大小:13299313B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 义务教育教科书七年级下册 Go for it 人民教育-出卷网- Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section B 2a-2c Learning objectives use reading skills to get Tony's and Mary's habits .(学习理解) find their healthy and unhealthy habits and give advice on unhealthy habits.(实践应用、迁移创新) talk about your unhealthy habits and give advice on unhealthy habits.(实践应用、迁移创新) By the end of class, you will be able to What activity can you see in the video wake up early Are they healthy activities have healthy breakfast go to school early What other healthy activities do you know Pre- reading Activity 1: Have a talk. eat lots of vegetables and fruit go to bed early either run or play volleyball about living about eating about exercise brush teeth twice a day get up early eat a good breakfast take a walk healthy activities about eating eat junk food go to bed late about living about exercise never brush teeth get up late eat quickly unhealthy activities never play sports pictures Pay attention to the pictures or title in the passage before reading. (读前关注文中的图片或标题) Tip 1 (阅读技巧1): Who is healthier ,Tony or Mary Activity 2: Predict(预测)and answer. What is the passage about Pay attention to the first sentence and last sentence in each paragraph. (关注每段的首尾句) Activity 3: Read and answer questions. While-reading Tip 2 (阅读技巧2): What is the passage about Skimming (略读) Tony's and Mary's habits. Scanning (扫读) Tip 3 (阅读技巧3): Read the passage quickly and find the detail you want. (快速阅读找细节) 2.Who is healthier , Tony or Mary Underline the healthy avtivities. 3 8 Mary has more healthy habits . healthier Activity 4 : Write down the unhealthy habits for Tony and Mary . Name Unhealthy habits Tony Mary get up late eat breakfast quickly eat hamburgers for lunch either watch TV or play computer games in the evening go to bed late always eat ice-cream after dinner Name Unhealthy habits Tony Mary always eat ice-cream after dinner 1. get up late 2. eat breakfast quickly 3. eat hamburgers for lunch 4. either watch TV or play computer games in the evening 5. go to bed late Name Unhealthy habits Good advice Tony Mary always eat ice-cream after dinner 1. get up late 2. eat breakfast quickly 3. eat hamburgers for lunch 4. either watch TV or play computer games in the evening 5. go to bed late Activity 5: Write down the good advice(建议)for Tony and Mary. He should (应该)get up early. Tony Tony gets up late, he should (应该)get up early. Mary Name Unhealthy habits Good advice A: I have a bad habit, I often go to bed late. B: You should ... . I always ... C: You should... D: ... Activity 6 : Tell your group members about your unhealthy habits and give good advice. GROUP WORK Post-reading Homework 1. Read the passage after class. 2. Write the report in your exercise book . Good habits make a success! 好习惯造就成功 Thank you ! ... ...

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