
2023-2024学年外研版(三起)英语四年级下册 Module 1 - Module 5知识点汇总

日期:2024-09-23 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:88次 大小:20369Byte 来源:二一课件通
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四年级下册Module 1—Module 5单元知识点汇总 Module 1 重点词汇: 形容词(形容人物特征):clever naughty nice shy little bad good cool cute tall short fat thin 家庭成员:father mother sister brother aunt uncle grandma grandpa cousin 重点句型: This is Maomao. She’s very nice. This is Xiaoyong. He’s a clever pupil. This is my mother. She’s a nice teacher. This is my uncle. He’s very clever. This is my friend. He’s tall and clever. Module 2 重点词汇: 形容词(形容事物特征):big small beautiful nice old new famous tall short 重点句型: This ship is big, but that one is small. London is a big city. Buckingham Palace is very big and very beautiful. Whose house is it It’s my house. My house is very small, but it’s beautiful. This is Big Ben. It’s very old. This is Tower Bridge. It’s very famous. The desk is very old. Module 3 重点词汇: 表示时间的词汇:one day week holiday today 星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 重点句型: One day, robots will do everything. They will do the housework. They will help children learn. It can walk. What will you do on holiday I’ll go swimming. On Sundays I’ll read my books. Module 4 重点词汇: 形容天气情况的词汇:hot cold warm cool rainy snowy sunny cloudy windy 重点句型: Will you take your ball tomorrow Yes, I will. No, I won’t. We’re going to have a picnic. Why not Tomorrow is Friday. I’ll take my kite. It will be sunny in Beijing. Will it be hot in Haikou Yes, it will. Will it snow in Shenyang No, it won’t. Module 5 重点词汇: 形容词:young old long short dirty clean be 动词的过去式形式:am, is — was are—were 重点句型: I was short. I was two then. Who is that little girl She’s Amy. Who are they They’re my grandparents. Your hair was so short. You were so cute. It wasn’t beautiful then. It wasn’t clean then. It was dirty.

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