
江苏省南通市崇川区2023-2024学年八年级下学期英语Module 1 Feelings and impressions 午间小练3.13(含答案)

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:75次 大小:26342Byte 来源:二一课件通
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8B午间小练3.13 姓名:_____ 得分:_____ 一、单项选择 (本题共15题,每题2分,共30分) -- Last night, I had _____ one-hour trip to Austria (奥地利) online. -- Austria is _____ European country which is famous for its beautiful views. A. a; a B. an; a C. an; an D. a; an The house is made _____ bamboo and it is made _____ six rooms. A. up of; of B. from; up of C. of; up of D. from; of -- Jack, why do your look so afraid -- Just now, I saw a big fire ball fall _____ the darkness. A. across B. through C. over D. below -- I hear your family have made up your _____ to India next mouth. Have a pleasant journey. -- Thank you. A. mind travelling B. minds travelling C. mind to travel D. minds to travel The earth is our mother and she _____ so much with us since we appeared on the earth. A. shared B. will share C. have shared D. has shared -- Our new English teacher is very confident. And he is always ready to _____ a challenge. -- So he is. We all like him. A. touch B. choose C. discuss D. accept -- The _____ instructions in this unit are helpful. They explain _____ how to make a banana milkshake. -- OK. I’ll have a try. A. clear; clearly B. clearly; clearly C. clearly; clear D. clear; clear _____ for this topic. I think you have _____ it. Let’s talk about something else. A. So many; heard B. So much; heard of C. So few; heard from D. So little; listened to Hangzhou is famous _____ producing silk in China. A. from B. at C. in D. for -- It’s so cold today. Would you mind my _____ the door -- _____. Do it as you like. A. closing; Certainly not B. to close; Not at all C. closing; Never mind D. to close; Better not Last week, Mr. White visited Red Square in _____ and Mount Fuji in _____. A. Europe; Asia B. Africa; Europe C. Africa; Asia D. Asia; Europe He made a serious mistake, but he took action to change that _____ it got worse. A. until B. when C. because D. before -- Dad, can you tell me about your life as a child -- OK. At that time, life was _____, but we were happy and had few worries. A. comfortable B. exciting C. hard D. easy -- Why did you come to school so early today -- Oh, I arrived here at 7 _____ for the test. A. prepare B. preparing C. to prepare D. to preparing -- Tony, could you please play the piano for me while I’m singing -- _____! Here we go! A. Good news B. My pleasure C. With pleasure D. It’s a pleasure. 二、词汇运用 (每题2分) A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 16. Don’t forget to take the _____ (护照) with you when you travel abroad. 17. Lisa doesn’t feel lonely because she has made _____ (more than two) new friends here. 18. He spent ten _____ (money used in England) on the delicious food. 19. The wise man was once the _____ (统治者) of the country. 20. -- Where is the post office -- It is _____ our school, just on the other side of the street. B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。 far Britain center Europe dark 21. The _____ Museum is world-famous, so we want t ... ...

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