
Unit 8 Detective stories Task 讲义及练习(含答案,表格式)牛津译林九年级上册

日期:2024-07-03 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:45次 大小:20953Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教 学 内 容 9A Unit 8 Task 教 学 目 标 1. 学会如根据图片及所给信息创作英语侦探小说。 2. 熟练运用本部分所学词汇、词组和句型。 重 点 1. 学会如根据图片及所给信息创作英语侦探小说。 2. 熟练运用本部分所学词汇、词组和句型。 难 点 熟练运用本部分所学词汇、词组和句型。 教 学 准 备 知识点、巩固练习、课堂练习、课后作业 教学过程 Step 1 Dictation Step 2 Language points 1 Bruce gets along with all of his neighbours except the man who lives next door. (P. 116) 1) get along with意为“与……相处”同义词是get on with,get on/along well with意为“与……相处很好”。例如: The people there each other.那儿的人彼此相处很好。 【拓展】go on well with sth.表示“某事进展很顺利”。例如: I hope that he his work. 我希望他将工作顺利。 【测一测】 We should think more of others if we want to them. A get on well with B hear of C get ready for D hear from 2) except prep. 除...之外 e.g. He gets up early every day except Sunday. 【辨析】except & besides except意为“除...之外(其他的都)”,其后的宾语被排除在外。 e.g. I can work out all the other problems except the first one. 除了第一个外,其他所有的问题我都能解决。besides意为“除...之外(其他的也)”,其后的宾语被包括在内。 e.g. Besides her parents, her grandparents will also go to Hong Kong by plane. 除了她的父母, 她的祖父母也将坐飞机去香港。 【测一测】 —We are all here Lily. where is she —She’s gone to the library. A are B besides C except D of Everybody except Mike and Linda there when the meeting began. A are B was C were 2 ...no one knows what he does for a living...(P. 118) do sth. for a living意为“以……为生”,相当于make a living by doing sth.。 例如: My friend sells books for a living. =My friend . 【测一测】 My grandfather used to make boats a living. A for B by C with D at 3 The policeman told him that some valuable jewelry had be stolen. (P. 118) steal此处作及物动词,意为“偷、窃取”,常用的结构是“steal sth. from sb.”。例如: He was accused of stealing a small boy’s bicycle. =He stealing a small boy’s bicycle. The thief stole the bag from a lady. 4 You are under arrest for murder. (P. 119) be under arrest for......意为“因……而被逮捕”。 The cruel man was under arrest for kidnapping a girl last year. 类似的短语还有:under repair under discussion 【重点短语和句型归纳】 重点短语 be charged with 被控告 be guilty of 犯有……罪 be wounded with 被……致伤 be under arrest 被逮捕 be put into prison 被送进监狱 go missing 丢失 make notes on sb. 对某人做笔录 tell the truth 说实话 take place 发生 find out 查明 break into 强行闯入 lead to 导致 bleed to death 流血至死 offer a reward of 为……提供奖金 have something to do with 与……有关 of medium height 中等身高 as a result 因此、所以 so far 到目前为止 turn out 原来是 at one’s wedding 在某人的婚礼上 guard against 防范、堤防 get along with 与……相处 重点句型 much+形容词比较级 ……得多 something+形容词 ……的东西 see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事 be seen doing sth. 被看到正在做某事 ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 be in a hurry to do sth. 匆忙做某事 had better do sth. ... ...

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