
Unit 8 Detective stories Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 教案(含答案,表格式)牛津译林九年级上册

日期:2024-07-03 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:29次 大小:21223Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教 学 内 容 9A Unit 8 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 教 学 目 标 1. 学习掌握单词、短语以及句型的用法。 2. 能够灵活运用所学内容,并简单地讨论侦探故事。 重 点 1. 学习掌握单词、短语以及句型的用法。 2. 能够灵活运用所学内容,并简单地讨论侦探故事。 难 点 如何运用所学知识完成相关练习。 教 学 准 备 知识点、巩固练习、课堂练习、课后作业 教学过程 1 be dressed like 打扮成 1) dress vt 给......穿衣,打扮 dress sb e.g. The mother has to dress her daughter every morning because she is too young to dress herself. 2) dressed是dress的ed形式, 作表语。意为穿着衣服的 e.g. Jimmy is well dressed. 吉米穿着很体面。 2 A murder (P. 106) murder此处用作名词,意为“谋杀、杀害”。例如: A murder happened in the centre of the city last night. The young man was charged with murder. 【拓展】murder还可以作动词,表示“谋杀”,murderer意为“杀人犯、凶手”。例如: The old lady was murdered last night. One of the murderers escaped. 3 My food has gone missing. (P. 106) 1)missing此处作形容词,意为“失踪、丢失的”。go接形容词时作表语时,通常表示“变成不好的状态”变坏 变饿 变疯 It was only an hour later that I discovered that my gun was missing. One person is still missing. 【辨析】missing, lost, gone missing丢失的,失踪的,缺少的;强调不在场After the flood, five people were found missing.lost丢失的,丧失的In the storm, the ship was lost.在那场暴风雨中,船不见了。gone离开了,不复存在;常作表语My pain in the arm is gone now. 我的胳膊现在不疼了。 2) go+ving 表示去做某事 e.g. go swimming go shopping go fishing go skating. Welcome to the unit 4 Appearance: of medium height and untidy. (P. 107) 1)medium作形容词,表示“中等的”,be of medium height意为“中等身高”,类似的还有be of medium build“中等身材”。还可以作为名词,媒介,媒体—media(复数) 例如: The young man is of medium height. My father is of medium build. 我的父亲中等体型。 2)untidy adj. 不整洁的 【反】tidy adj. 整洁的 e.g. They sat in her clean and tidy kitchen. e.g.他们坐在干净整洁的厨房里。 tidy v. 使整洁,使整齐 【常见短语】tidy up 整理好 tidy away 收拾起来 5 Who do you think is not telling the truth (P. 107) truth是true的名词形式,tell the truth意为“说实话”。例如: I must tell you the truth about his business. There is no truth in this story. 【测一测】 1 如果我不说实话,他将会生我的气。 2 To tell the (true), I don’t like the drinks in that cafe’. 6 I guess Jimmy White is lying. (P. 107) lie此处用作不及物动词,表示“说谎”。例如: We all know he is lying. We should be honest. We shouldn’t lie to our parents. 【拓展】 词条词义过去式过去分词现在分词lie说谎liedliedlying躺、位于laylainlyinglay产卵、下蛋laidlaidlaying lie n. 【C】谎言,谎话 lies【pl】 e.g. Lies can’t cover up facts. 谎言掩盖不了事实。 【拓展】tell a lie 撒谎 a white lie 善意的谎言 W 【测一测】 —Where is Xi’s Family Garden(习家池)? —It 5 km south to the Old City of Xiangyang. A lies B lives C lays D lists 随堂练习 一、根据句意以及中文提示写出所缺单词。 The police caught three (嫌疑犯) at the bus stop yesterday. They are now trying to look for all poss ... ...

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