
Unit 8 Detective stories Reading 表格式学案(含答案)牛津译林版九年级英语上册

日期:2024-07-03 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:72次 大小:23674Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教 学 内 容 9A Unit 8 Reading 教 学 目 标 1. 能够运用阅读技巧完成相应的任务,了解文章的大意。 2. 能够通过线推测案情。 3. 熟练掌握并运用重点词汇、短语、句型 重 点 1. 能够运用阅读技巧完成相应的任务,了解文章的大意。 2. 熟练掌握并运用重点词汇、短语、句型 难 点 如何熟练运用本课时所学重点词汇、短语、句型完成相关练习 教 学 准 备 知识点、巩固练习、课堂练习、课后作业 教学过程 Language points 1 police n. 警察部门,警方 police为集体名词,意为“警察”,通常被视作复数,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,表示个体警察时,需要用policeman/policewoman。 The police have caught the thief. e.g. The police going to question everyone in the house. 警察将审问房间里的每一个人。 2 He was last seen leaving his office in... be seen doing sth 是see sb doing 的被动语态形式。看见某人正在做某事 see sb do sth 看见某人做某事,强调看见动作发生的全过程。此类动词还有hear, watch等 1)我们看见一些男孩子正在操场上踢足球。We on the playground. 2) —Where’s Tony now —I saw him in the garden a moment ago and I told him . A play; go home B playing; to go home C to play; goes home D play; going home 【注意】see/watch/hear/make/have sb do sth结构变成被动语态时,要加上省略的不定式符号to Tom was made his clothes by his sister. A wash B washed C to wash 3 somewhere adv. 在某处,经常用于肯定句中 e.g. Little Tom must be somewhere near here. 小汤姆一定在这儿附近的某个地方。 还可以作为代词,意为“某地” e.g. The man has to find somewhere to live. somewhere 某个地方;anywhere 任何地方,多用于疑问句和否定句中; everywhere各个地方; nowhere 无处,哪里都不; 当有形容词修饰不定代词及不定副词时,形容词应放在这些词之后。 【测一测】 —Is there in today’s newspaper —No. I think everything in it is boring. A interesting anything B something interesting C interesting something D anything interesting 4 “We’re asking anyone who saw anything unusual near Corn Street last night to contact us,” said Detective Lu, West Town’s chief detective. (P. 108) contact此处作及物动词,意为“联系”,contact还可以作名词,make contact with sb. 与某人联系;lose contact with sb. 与某人失去联系;be/keep in contact with sb. 与某人有联系/保持联系。 例如: You can contact her at 667788. contact sb at+电话号码 拨打某人号码联系某人 Have you already contacted him 5 The victim was wounded with a knife and bled to death as a result. (P. 108) ① wound作及物动词,意为“使……受伤”,be wounded with“被……所伤”。the wounded 受伤的 例如: The hunter wounded a deer. He was wounded with a gun. ② bleed此处作不及物动词,意为“流血、出血”。过去式 过去分词 例如: His head was bleeding at that time. If you cut your finger, it will bleed. 6 as a result 因此,作为结果 e.g. It is raining heavily. , we can’t go out. 雨下的很大,因此我们不能出去。 【拓展】as a result of 由于相当于because of 置于名词性词组前用以说明原因。 We can’t go out the heavy rain. 【测一测】 He was late the heavy snow. A as a result B because C as a result of D for a result 7 guilty adj. 有罪的 be guilty of意为“有...罪的”; be guilty about 对...感到内疚的 The young man was ... ...

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