ID: 20652173


日期:2024-10-08 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:40次 大小:26712B 来源:二一课件通
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2024年济南市中考题型阅读填空专练(进阶版)(二) 语篇七 In 2018, more than 60,000 primary and middle school students 1_____(drop) out of school in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture (自治县), Sichuan province. Today, the number of dropouts2_____(be) zero. Liangshan is an example of China’s 3_____(succeed) in solving the long-standing dropout problem. The country has realized “dynamic-zero (动态清零)” dropout for primary and middle school students, Huai Jinpeng, minister of education, said in a recent conference (发布会). Different levels of government 4_____(make) great efforts to solve the problem in recent years. In Liangshan, for example, the government has set up records on all dropouts after carrying out four rounds of surveys by 5_____(visit) students’ homes. The records detail (详细记录) each student’s reason for dropping out, their age, family situation and mental (心理的) and physical health conditions. As the records showed, many young people dropped out of school 6_____ they got married or started working at an early age. With the information, local officials have taken 7_____(act). Since 2019, the local government 8_____(set) up checkpoints (检查站) on highways 9_____(stop) dropouts from leaving. More than 5,300 students who left to find work in cities have been persuaded (说服) to return to school. Moreover, through scholarships (奖学金) and subsidies (补助), the government has made sure that no student drops out of school due to poverty (贫穷). In the past 10 years, financial aid was given to students with financial difficulties almost 1.3 billion times in China. Thanks 10_____ these efforts, education coverage (覆盖) in China has reached or surpassed (超过) the average level of that in middle- and high-income countries across the world. 答案: 1.dropped 3.success 4.have made 5.visiting 6.because 7.action 8.has set stop 10. to 语篇八 Have you ever wondered how many ants there are on Earth Scientists at the University of Hong Kong certainly have. In a new study, they estimated (估计) the number of the world’s ants is about 20,000,000,000,000,000 (20 with 15 zeroes)! That means for every human, there are 1_____(near) 2.5 million ants. If you put all the ants on a scale (秤), they’d 2_____(weight) more than all the wild birds and mammals (哺乳动物) on Earth. How did they count such a big number In the past, many scientists 3_____(count) ants in different areas. They collected 4_____(fall) leaves and earth and dried them 5_____(force) the ants to come out for counting. Based on 465 studies that cover all continents (大陆), the new study made the estimation. According to Wang Runxi, one of the authors, the number and distribution (分布) of ants can be 6_____(value) predictors (预测器) of environmental changes. “Ants play 7_____ important role in the ecosystem,” Wang told Science and Technology Daily. “They help loosen the soil (松土), spread seeds, break down things and form a part of the food chain . They are everywh ... ...

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