
2023-2024学年人教PEP版小学英语 期末综合复习 3-6年级--知识梳理

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:20次 大小:63985Byte 来源:二一课件通
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三年级上知识梳理 单元 词汇 句子 语音 语法 语篇类型 Unit 1 Hello! pen,pencil,ruler,eraser,bag,pencil box,book, crayon Hi! /Hello!; I’m ... What’s your name My name is ... Goodbye./Bye. I have a/an.. 初步感知26个字母发音,学唱ABC Song. 1.冠词:a/an 2.动词have Unit 2 Colors red, green, yellow, blue, black, brown, white, orange Good morning. Good afternoon. This is... Nice to meet you. 能正确听、说、读、写字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd并知道其在单词中的发音 1.指示代词:this与that的区别 2.情态动词:can Unit3 Look at me! ear,eye,nose,mouth,face, head, body,foot,leg,hand, arm Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii在四线三格中的正确书写 Look at me. This is my/the/a/an... How are you I’m fine, thank you. / Very well, thanks. Let’s... I see... 字母Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii,的发音 Let’s=Let us 冠词:a,an,the Eg:This is the/a/an... Unit4 We love animals duck、pig、cat、bear、dog、elephant、monkey、bird、tiger、panda、zoo funny,cool,guess What’s this It’s... What’s that It’s... Look at... Act like ... 字母Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn 的发音 1.区分this 和that的用法。 2.会用I like...描述自己喜欢的动物。 Unit5 Let’s eat ! bread ,juice, egg ,milk ,water, cake ,fish ,rice ,have, hungry some ,drink, eat, cut , ice cream, Coke I’d like some ...,please. Here you are. Can I have some...? Thank you. You’re welcome. Have some.... Eat some.... Drink some.... I’m hungry. 字母o p q r s t及其在单词中的发音 名词:可数与不可数概念-可数名词中的单数和复数。 句子:肯定句,情态动词can的一般疑问句。 Have some...邀请他人吃\和。 I’d like some...Here you are.表达想吃的食物及回答。 Can I have some...,please Here you are.表达想吃的食物及其应答。 You’re welcome. 回应别人的谢意。 对话,歌谣, 幽默故事 Unit6 Happy birthday! one 、 two 、three 、 four 、 five、six 、seven 、eight 、 nine、ten、brother 、plate 1.— How many plates — Five. 2.— Happy birthday. — Thank you. 3.— How old are you — I’m six years old. This one, please. Show me seven. U、V、W、X、Y、Z字母发音及常见拼读发音 以how引导的特殊疑问句: 能够在图片、实物或情境的帮助下运用句型 How many...?询问物品的数量并作答; 在情境中运用句型 How old are you I'm...years old. 并能用 Happy birthday!向别人表达生日祝福。 对话,歌谣,配图故事 三年级下知识梳理 单元 词汇 句子 语音 语法 语篇类型 Unit1 Welcome back to school! UK、Canada、USA、China、she、student、pupil、he、teacher、 boy、and、girl、new、friend、today、Australia、welcome、 clever、panda、beaver、 bald eagle、kangaroo --Where are you from --I am from China/the UK/the USA/Canada/Shandong 2.“We have…" --We have two new friends today. 3."I’m from …" --I am from China/the UK/the USA/Canada/Shandong 4.“What about .. ” --What about you/he/she 5.“This is …” She/He is a / an student / teacher. 6.“Nice to meet you / Nice to meet you, too”. Aa短元音/ / cat、bag、hand、dad、rat、apple、fat、map. 1.以Where 引导的特殊疑问句。 能够在实际情境中运用句型Where are you from 询问对方是哪里人并用I’m from ...(国家名/地名)进行回答。 2. 能够介绍近处某人This is ...(人名/称呼) 3. 能够介绍他人的职业或身份: He’s/ She’s+a/an ... ...

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