
Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section A 1a-2c课件+音频(共23张PPT,含内嵌视频)人教版七年级上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:70次 大小:35722671Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section A 1a-2c Unit 4 Where is my schoolbag Review —What’s this —It’s… —How do you spell it —... —What are these —They are… Sharp eyes Sharp eyes What are these They're... keys books rulers Welcome to my house! What can you see in my room table chair sofa bookcase bed 方位介词on ,in ,under Where's my daughter She's _____ the schoolbag. on in She's_____ the bookcase. She's _____ the schoolbag. under Look and make sentences. Where are ... They're ... f e g h c a b d 1. table ____ 2. bed ____ 3. bookcase ___ 4. sofa ___ 5. chair ___ 6.schoolbag ___ 7. books ___ 8. keys ____ Match the words with the things in the picture. 1a 2 3 4 Listen and number the things in the picture[1-4]. 1b Practice the conversation in 1a with your partner. Then make your own conversations using the words in the box. Pair work A:Where are the keys B: They're on the table. A: Where’s the … B: It’s … A:Where are the … B:They are … Listen and number the things [1-6]. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2b Listen again and find the things from 2a and number them in the picture [1-6]. 3 6 2 4 5 Ask and answer the questions about the things in the picture in 2b. Are the keys on the sofa No, they aren’t. They’re on the table. Summary 1)Words and phrases: table,sofa,bookcase,chair,bed,in,on,under 2) 询问物品位置的句型: Where is ...... It is ..... Where are ...... They are ...... 3) 养成自己正确摆放物品的好习惯: Homework 1.背诵新学物品和方位单词。 2.熟读课文Unit4 1a中的对话。 3.找partner运用所学句型自编对话。(选做) Thank You

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